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Name: lindalu
[ Original Post ]
I know people that cook a huge meal every night. I mean with a large baked meat item and several side dishes. I really don't know how they muster up the energy to do that every night. Not that cooking a meal is so tiring, its just that I have a hard time with preparing microwave meals each night, lol,
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Name: bmes | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 2:58 PM
mmmmmm.....idk....i always make sure i have a meat, starch and veg for dinner....i don't consider that making huge meals. big meals to me are when i make a 3 course meal. appy, entree, dessert. THOSE i only do a couple times a month. 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 2:59 PM
and maybe one a week i'll get lazy and order in. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 3:06 PM
I use to cook pretty big meals or I thought they were big any way, but now its just me and hubby with a grown daughter. I do at times feel bad for hubby, I think he would love a nice big meal when he gets home from work. The only problem with his meal is he likes meat and I have a hard time purchasing meat products. I do think I'm going to have to go against my own morals and make him a nice cooked meal that includes some form of meat. 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 3:10 PM
oh right you don't eat meat.....well....is it really going against your morals if you're still not eating it? 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 3:34 PM
It wouldn't be a problem for me if I was not eating meat due to health reasons or other related reasons. My reason for not eating meat is to help cut down the supply & demand by purchasing the meat I am doing what is against my morals and that's contributing to supply & demand, thus causing more animal death each year. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 5:41 PM
yes, I have always cooked, meat and a few sides with veggies, rice etc.......but lately since my hubby has switched shifts, I have been making quicker "easier" meals...lol...... 

Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 5:43 PM
Lindalu, i understand what you are saying, because for me, fish and seafood repulse me!!!!!! so I WILL NOT cook them!!!!!!will not buy them, no way!!!!! 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 8:42 PM
I did break down today and buy hubby some pork chops and a couple chicken breasts. I do feel like I shouldn't have, but its already done so I may as well cook them and make hubby happy.

Even when I ate meat I could never cook fish in my house, its way to smelly for me. That fish smells takes days to leave especially if its salmon. If I was to have fish it would always be out. 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 9:21 PM
you must not get very fresh fish then, cause i cook fish/seafood ALOT...and it doesn't stink. seafood only smells strong if it's not fresh...not saying it's BAD fish....just not fresh.


Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 10:55 PM
I cant afford food to make large meals LOL.... its cheaper to buy take aways and junk food these days than it is to spend up large and buy meat / veges. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 11:08 PM
Your rite, there has been times that the fish I bought wasn't as fresh as I had hoped. Either way, fresh or not.... I just don't like the smell of it cooking.

Rosey ,
I hear ya...I went grocery shopping today spending a lot more then I wanted and came home with nothing. I think I'm going to eat out more often it does seem to be cheaper. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 10:53 PM
well today I made a stew.......and that will be good for a few meals, I will freeze part of it.........and I will say, it cost more then it use to, but most ingredients I already had at home, so pretty cheap meal, to last a few meals.......
another cheap meal, are casseroles ( if you have bulk of the ingredients at home....very cheap),
home made soups. chili, pastas, and all great for this time of the year!!!!!!
for us, have NOT been shopping like I used to, because costs going up......I no longer serve chicken breast regularily things like that.......we have cut back on.........

all the house hiold items, - toilet paper, paper towels, laundry stuff, cleaning products, bathroom stuff.......that is also what costs so damn much!!!!! 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 1:28 AM
i did a little happy dance when we no longer had to buy formula!!! god the pice of that crap is CRIMINAL!!!!!

i can't WAIT for the day when i no longer have to buy diapers. that's another rip off.

luckily we get alot of local produce here (fruits and veggies), so that's usually pretty cheap.

meat....that's why hubby goes hunting....and i get fish and prawns from my grandparents....

i make alot of soups, and stews, and spaghetti sauces and freeze it....

i also save all my veg scraps and keep it in a little container in the fridge (onion peels, carrot peels and celery ends),and at the end of the week i make stock. either just a veg stock, or sometimes at the grocery store they have beef bones on special, so i pick that up to make a beef stock. or we buy a whole chicken, and i de-bone it myself....freeze all the cuts of meat, boil the carcass along with my veg scraps and VOILA chicken stock....

see nothing goes to waste!! :-) lol.. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 2:07 AM
Winn good ideas, you should start a new thread for cheap and officiant meals.

AAAHHHHHH!!!! HUNTING, BOOHOOO! LOL! Ok I'm getting a lot better with it, I just had to get it out of my system. Hehehe! I see were you said you use the bones for stock. I remember my mum boiling chicken bones then making chicken soup. It was better then any store bought stock. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 3:20 AM
sorry Lindalu I did not mean to highjack your post......kind of blended 2 of your posts into one paragraph.... 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 3:34 AM
Well, its only My husband Tyler who is 17 MO and Me, butt..... Chris is deployed so its jsut the two of us, and its pointless to cook for basically one, so i rarely do, but im at my moms 3 days a week, and she cooks almost every night! I need to start doing that! 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 3:42 AM

Awww... I didn't suggest you make a new topic because I didn't want it in here, lol! You are more then welcome to talk about what ever you like here. I just thought it would make an interesting topic for every one, and felt you would be a good person to head such a topic. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 4:08 AM

I can understand you not wanting to cook a meal just for yourself. There are many times I find myself home alone so I wouldn't bother cooking. At least you have your mum to cook, lucky you lol. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 9:42 PM
oops typo My husband, and My 17 MO son Tyler LOL

My husband isn't 17 months old!! LOL

Ya its nice when I'm here i eat better when I'm at my moms. 

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