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Name: itsallgoodforme
[ Original Post ]
As stay home mother of 3 boys I find I have sorda let myself go . I dont see the point in wearing anything but house type clothing as everything gets dirty and sweaty. Hair in pony tail constantly and shave legs ...well thats last on my list.
I just dont see the point. No one ever comes over and my only stop is Walmart.
Any advice???
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Name: bmes | Date: Oct 27th, 2008 1:50 AM
does it have to matter if no one ever comes over?

do it for yourself.

I find if I sit in my sweats for too many days in a row i feel like you do...in a rut...

get off the couch and have a bubble bath....do your nails...

once a month or so, go get a massage, or go to a tanning salon....omg...those tanning beds make you feel like a brand new person when you walk out of there. get your hair done.

not every day, but most days, i make the effort to do my hair nice and my make up, even if i'm just staying at home. are you married? i bet your hubby would like to see you all dolled-up....i know my hubby does, and it's a nice feeling to know he's walking around drooling...ha ha....but ultimately do it to make YOURSELF feel better. i often have "ME nights", after the kids go to bed....i have a bath, shave my legs..lol....paint my nails, then watch a girlie movie, or read a book...have a couple glasses of wine and listen to some music....

pamper yourself a bit. being a sahm of 3 boys i'm sure you damn well deserve it. but it's up to you to make it happen. :-) 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 27th, 2008 3:02 AM
The only reason tanning beds would make you feel different is because you have just increased your risk of skin cancer !!! is it really worth getting skin cancer to look brown and tanned ?? i dont think soooooooo !

But yes Bmes is right.. if i sit around for too man days in a row looking like an old sock, i FEEL like an old sock LOL get out there and get a haircut.... do your makeup i dunno lolol. it makes yah feel sexy again... like a woman SHOULD. 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 27th, 2008 3:19 AM
Btw before anyone jumps at me, i wasnt criticizing you Bmes haha. i know u only meant well, and tanning beds are a personal decision really =P Im just a bit of a worry wart when it comes to those things. they are so dangerous etc...
ANYWAYS my point is i didnt mean to piss anyone off by my comment lol. 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 27th, 2008 3:49 AM
well i sure hope nobody gets mad at you, cause i'm not even mad at you....you're right...some people don't like tanning beds....but you don't have to use them ALOT....just every now and then. i know in the winter months, people tend to start feeling a little "depressed"....i know i kinda do, cause where I live, in the winter, we barely EVER see the sun....and it DOES effect us when we don't get much sun....so in the winter i like to go to the tanning beds...not alot....and i barely even get a tan from them...it's just to get some of the uv ray feeling....lol...and it DOES help. i just feel happier coming out....not for tanning....but because i'm missing the sunshine and I can't afford a tropical vacation...lol... 

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