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Name: Lizzi
[ Original Post ]
I think it all started back when Rain and Nicole got into it. Once Rain chose to leave, a handful followed her to the new place. And then it seems as though that's when things went downhill here.Personally I was sick and tired of 13itchy constantly attacking Lynne,so I spoke up about it. All that did was make people turn against me. So then a war started between me,marija,and 13itchy. All because they are mad that I spoke up about the constant trashing of Lynne. And once I started being fired at,yes I got nasty and fired back! Because I was so pissed! I think if you don't like someone then don't talk to them or about them. 13itchy and marija seem to have a very hard time with that. They have to butt into every conversation and if I'm there or Lynne is there instead of just leaving like they should,they use that opportunity to be hateful to us.Awhile back,I made a comment about how new people on here might bring along new and refreshing topics,and marija saw that and turned it into something nasty and ran with it! Totally uncalled for! She couldn't see it as "yeah new people,new topics,a good thing" Because she is 13itchy's buddy and would rather fester in the same old 13itchy and Lynne trash! Or should I say rather the trash 13itchy dishes out to Lynne on a constant basis? And marija is always right there to continue on and back 13itchy up. And honestly I believe 13itchy and marija tag teamed and made the (Lynne=douchebag) person and conversation together!Sure they can deny,deny,all they want but I know it was them.Maybe what Lynne did wasn't right but how long should she have to take a beating for it? If someone doesn't like her fine,just don't associate with her,But if 13itchy is going to constantly call her names every chance she gets then that doesn't make 13itchy any better than Lynne was at the time she was comming here as different people now does it? And marija is second runner up!
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Name: M | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:29 PM
I agree with you Lizzi, 

Name: M | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:30 PM
And, by agreeing with your post it does not mean I support either bitchy or lynne n. 

Name: momof3 | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:31 PM
I agree that if you want to talk to Lynne or stick up for her that is your choice totally!! If people don't like the topic or the person then don't respond. I know that it gets hard if someone is attacking someone that you like. I hope all of us can get past this and get on with it!! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:31 PM
And why should anyone care if I talk to Lynne anyway instead of getting mad and trying to convince me she isn't worthy of associating with? Why should anyone get pissy with me just because I speak to her? If you don't like Lynne fine ,if you don't like me fine,leave us both alone then,don't be nasty to us every chance you get! 

Name: M | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:31 PM
I have read a post where you and lynne were trying to talk and bitchy butted in with some rude comment. I think she is the troll! 

Name: KKKatie | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:31 PM
M how long have to been on babyccrowd? I only noticed you the other day with Celeste. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:34 PM
momof3,I just got really tired of seeing 13itchy always attacking Lynne. It was getting very old and I thought it should end.But when i said something all that did was make certain people turn against me. 

Name: M | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:35 PM
KKKatie, I just found this forum. I don't post often because of all the fighting. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 4:36 PM
I agree with the points you made.Does not mean I support certain people, But hey i do not get mad at people on here for talking to people that I do not like, I just try to ignore the people I do not like, stay clear of certain conversations and chat with the ladies I like.Of course there will be times that I may get sucked in to a certain topic but hey I am human....
You can chat with whoever YOU like on here, it does not matter what anyone else thinks, if they do not like it , I do not feel it is there job to tell others who they can and can not talk to, we all know what has happened on here, we asre each individuals able to make up our own minds. 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 5:24 PM
well, heres the thing for ME....not for everyone...but for me. First i am very aware that I dont understand any of this...from start onward. I wasnt there. I wont offer up an "opinion" because it would be groundless. What i do know is that.....Lizzi is correct .....in her way of thinking .....that is. Not based on any particular incident.....just general ...overall position on just how much should anyone have to be beaten.....before the horse is so flogged .......its unreconizable? Moreover.....regardless of any action by any one person........the bigger individual is that who can step up to the plate and admit wrongdoing.....and then proceed to stand and take the beating. Few of us, i just imagine, may well not be able to do the same. Now that the flogging has occured......on any issue.....here is where it needs to end. Say what you will...right or wrong...take your lumps either way....agree to disagree...........................and move on.

I think that most of us are just sooooooo busy....I find it difficult to imagine anyone has this much energy to put into something that really in the end...........goes nowhere. Proves nothing......and hurts others in the process. What was gained?

We are wise women...........each and everyone. Do not let the few who drop in, new and unproven (as much as any forum on the internet can provide) disrupt your good experiences with each other. You will find that as you grow together and support one another............a bond forms. Like it or not. Then along comes someone form some where with faaaaaarrrrr to much time on their hands...and all heck is on the loose.

When someone hurts or insults or distresses another here.....the bonds tie up neatly. And the support is without request.........aquired. Your bonds.....for the oldies here and the new gals....dont let some fly by the seat of their pants individual crop up and spoil the party. That is the intent from the start. Just address......state your thoughts........and ignore the poor at best undeducated, unwise, retorical fool response. Hard sometimes I know..........but again.....what is gained?

As for those of us who have been around for sometime and those of us who have chosen to move on to a diffrent forum.....................let it be. It no longer affects anyone. They have dealt with their difficulties in a way that is best for them...may not agree with your way, but it is them who have found an avenue to best move forward and .........moved on. Just accept it and carry on with your new bonds.....enjoy this forum....support one another, understand, encourage, vent, share the little joys as well the biggies in life.........and sometimes the sorrows that stumble us.

I believe those who are not looking for an arguement here on my post will just find it.......well, an interesting way of thinking. For those hoping to copy and paste a line here and there taking things perhaps out of context.......even doing the best attempt ever to ruffle the tail feathers of old Maxie.........wellllllll, ga head....give er a go.....but you will be let down. I have sooooooooo much on my plate I cant sit and be board to near death by the dribble. So little if any respone will you get form me.

These are my thoughts......and like everyone...i am intitled. You dont need to agree........thats alright with me. I will get over it.

Ladies take care of each other.....the bonds...friendships you will aquire from this forum....if you are fortunate...you will find they are better than the real life thing we often experience. Some of the ladies I have encountered from this forum are as much as anyone could tell (again internet) some of the most intelegent, outstanding, loving and careing women i have been blessed to encounter . Keep it clean....supportive....and it will come back to you i promise you. No cash .....sorry....I wish.....but better than that. Love and friendships.....likely last a lifetime.

All the very best ladies each and everyone
old Maxie 

Name: winnmom | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 5:29 PM
Thanks Maxie.....Very well stated! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 5:43 PM
You are a wise one maxie! I appreciate your response,you speak well and truthful! 

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 11:32 PM
I dont have a problem with you what so ever talking to Lynne, i just wish she would leave already. This place will NEVER go back to the way it was while she is here. Plain and Simple.

I'm no better then Lynne? Right that makes complete sense, i really went and make fake usernames, attacked every member, wrote sexually eplicit text and told people they would be crap mothers.

All i have ever done from day one is give my opion and advice plain and simple.
Marija is her own person, and yes i support her in whatever she says because unlike a fair few of you, you cant keep your stories or opions or facts straight.

Lizzi when you said the comment about the refreshing topics with new people, i took it as hurtful because there where some topics up there that where decent ie: Work Histroy.

I dont know who the Troll person is, and no its not me. Sorry got a little bit more maturity then that.
As for you "M" nice lie, thanks for that. Good to see your a top character.
Its obvious your the SAHM poster. Same type.

You attacked Marija for her "poor character" of late and how "dissapointed" you where in her. BOTH times. When you try and act like a new person, dont go around to the same forums and type the same thing, ok sweet!!!

You can all sit here and put up with Lynne thats fantastic, but i wont and if i have to be a REAL bitch and press charges i will. Just a little heads up :) 

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