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Name: Julia
[ Original Post ]
This may be a lame question but, is it possible to have horrible "all day" sickness with one pregnancy and not have it with the next? I was so sick non-stop for the first 3 months with my daughter, to the point where I was sent to the emergency room 3 times due to dehydration. I am so paranoid I will get that sick again! :( I know they say it is actually good when you are because it means the baby is developing well, but I have to say, I know many women who had zero sickness and still had healthy babies!! Are there any mommies out there who had different outcomes with their pregnancies as far as sickness goes? I know I probably sound like a baby, (no pun intended) hehe but it was horrible for me and I am not looking forward to that part of the beautiful journey!
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Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 7:54 AM
I only had morning sickness in the morning and it lasted about a month so i was luckey really!
But my downstairs neighbour said that with her first pregnancy she didnt have any and with this pregnancy she has been sick all the way through at anytime of the day i could some times hear her!
She has now had a healthy baby girl called catlin!
3 days old. 

Name: charla | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 1:34 PM
i did noy hardly have any sickness with first 2 then my last one i would get sick in the early evening around 4 and stay that way until i went to bed . 

Name: homemommichele | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 2:30 PM
Every pregnancy is different and it is completely possible to have less sickness or maybe even none at all!! 

Name: Ale | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 3:34 PM
With my first pregnancy I had it during the second month only. My second pregnancy I had it the whole time I was pregnant. I also was very tired and sleepy. I know they have morning sickness pills, but you would have to get info from your doctor. Good luck 

Name: Julia | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 3:50 AM
Thanks, that makes me feel better, especially Michele's post! hahaha. I do not mind a little sickness here and there, but being sick all day for 3 months straight takes a big toll on ya. ;) I remember getting sick from the juice of my gum one time! Thanks for the hope!! ;) 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 6:50 PM
Yes because each pregnancy is different. I unfortunately had to deal with extreme morning sickness that last all day and night with my first pregnancy and with my currant. The difference with this pregnancy and my first is that this time I started having morning sickness sooner. I had to take medication for my morning sickness on both occassion, usually this is only prescribed if your morning sickness is so bad that your not keeping anything down. 

Name: Julia | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 7:14 PM
Have they always prescribed medication for this? I had my daughter in 1999 and they never offered any sort of medication. They basically said there is nothing we can do and you just have to try and keep fluids down. They recommended ginger snaps, sickness bands (like what you would wear from being sea sick) and saltines. I was not keeping anything down! Is the medication a newer thing? I had Kaiser so that could be why I did not know about it. ;) 

Name: Julia | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 7:27 PM
Ok, my hubby just reminded me of the whole sickness thing! I was so delirious I just cannot remember! He said they do have meds you can take for it, but they try not to if at all possible for the baby's sake. I guess he remembers us inquiring about it, but they preferred not to. So I guess I am answering my own question, hehe. They wouldn't let me have the epidural either when in labor, I do remember that. I do not like kaiser... 

Name: koz | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 8:08 PM
you may not have any morning sickness..all my pgs were differernt but with each I did have some sickness, although with my 2nd i also was sent to the er with dehydration. My 4th baby i had a lot of nausea but not much vomitting. Each pregnancy is different 

Name: Julia | Date: Jul 2nd, 2006 5:27 AM
I am so happy I asked this question because I am feeling so much better and have some hope now! Sorry if I seem like a wuse! :( 

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