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Name: Lola-May
[ Original Post ]
So out of nowhere today, Silas got a fever of 101.
It was seriously out of nowhere.
He was fine all morning, we went to the mall, he was fine the whole way home and then as soon as we walked in the door he just wanted to cuddle on the couch.
I didn't even have time to take shoes and coats off.

We snuggled for about half an hour which never happens and then I tried to put him in his crib because he was falling asleep.
Well he wasn't having that. He cried and cried.

I left him crying for a few minutes and when I went back in I expected him to be standing in his crib but he was still laying exactly where I had put him down.

He refused to take tylenol, he didn't want to eat or drink anything and he just wanted me to cuddle him.

So I took him into my room and we layed on my bed until he fell asleep, then I snuck away and he slept for about an hour before he woke up.

We checked his temp again before his bath and finally got him to eat, drink and take tylenol.
His temperature is down from what it was but still isn't normal.

I honestly have no idea where it came from. One minute he was fine and then a blink of an eye later he's sick.

At least he's feeling better now...and I got some good cuddle time out of it too.
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Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 12th, 2008 4:39 AM
When my daughter was young that happened a couple times. I would take her to the doctors they would tell me it was probably some thing viral and to give her Tylenol. If he doesn't seem to have any abnormal signs other then a temp then I wouldn't worry to much, however if his temp goes any higher... then I would have him seen by his doctor. 

Name: bmes | Date: Nov 12th, 2008 2:05 PM
there must be something going around here. Anika just had a...well we're not sure...but it was something. on the 30th she had a temp of 101...took some tylenol...went down, and she was fine....halloween night, she wouldn't eat her dinner. day after no food alllllll day long...not even a bite. then by the evening her temp was 104..took her to walk in, did a urine sample and ruled out kidney and bladder infection. she just continued with the fever and nothing to eat AT ALL and she was so dehydrated.. doc noticed a bit of a red throat, so did a throat swab and gave us some antibiotics in case it was strep. he also told us that if we couldn't get enough fluids in her we'd have to take her to the hospital....luckily she was willing to drink a bit of water and have some freezies. JUST enough that we didn't have to go to the hospital but it was close...but omg...she didn't eat ANYTHING until the morning of the 3rd. and she didn't eat that much at all... it was terrible.

just watch him real close lola may. you should probably take him to the doc right away. when there's a fever and no vomiting, it can be an infection somewhere and it's important to rule that out...cause no amount of tylenol or motrin is going to help it. if there's an infection he needs antibiotics. so i would just go see the doc.

good luck and hope he feels better soon 

Name: Lola-May | Date: Nov 12th, 2008 4:38 PM
He seems to be feeling better this morning and there's no fever now.
We managed to lower his temp last night by stripping him down to his diaper(which he was pretty stoked about) and making his bath a little cooler than normal.
He's grumpy as hell but he's eating and his fever is gone. 

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