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Name: MyTwoBabies
[ Original Post ]
My son is 10 months old and he is way to attached to me. I feel horrible everytime someone else besides my mom and my brothers come to see him he screams. Yesterday I was at the mall and I saw one of my friends she has a 8 month old daughter so we swapped babies and he was screaming his lungs out. He sees my uncle and grandmother everyday and he still cries with them even daddy. He only stays quiet with his dad for 10 minutes the most then he starts crying for me. I love him and I am happy that he wants me that much,but I feel smothered and it gets tiring. I need to break this habit especially with the new baby coming in October. Any suggestions?
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Name: bmes | Date: Aug 12th, 2007 4:50 PM
my daughter was EXACTLY the same way...but it was mainly men, she did that to....except for with her daddy.....mostly she scream when she saw MY dad (her grandpa), just one look at him, and she'd have the biggest sh*t-fit!!! so what I did was I spent like alomst 2 weeks at his house, so she could get used to him and spend more time with him...now she gets excited to see him, and also it seemed to have fixed her problem with everyone else too....she NEVER cries when she's around others anymore!! it's so nice....lol....but she started this freak out thing when she was around 6 months, and when we stayed at my dad's house she was 13 months....she's now 16 months, and not shy with ANYONE anymore!! lol...she'll walk up to anyone and climb up on their lap!! ha ha....i would say to try and spend more time around the people you want him to feel comfortable with, but don't go anywhere....you have to be there too, and slowly they get more at ease and then finally to the point where if you walk out the door they don't even notice!! good luck!! :-) 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Aug 12th, 2007 6:41 PM
my daughters 6 weeks old.. and shes the same...........
Cries with everyone.. even her dad.. except me =\
i didnt even think they recognised there fav person yet at 6 weeks ?!? 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: Aug 13th, 2007 12:35 AM
My son screams and screams I mean he sees his dad all the time and he still prefers me. It's hard taking care of him all the time just because he doesn't feel like being with anyone else. Rosey it gets harder because he has been like this since I can remember. Now that your baby is way younger try to pull away because a screaming 10 month old at the mall is no fun lol 

Name: winnmom | Date: Aug 13th, 2007 6:11 AM
Oh yes....Most babies. are this way.......my youngest is 4 and starting to get out of it now!
Your babes feels safe, loved and secure in your arms! You are doing something right! 

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