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Name: doodlebug8802
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I know that my message doesn't exactly belong here, but there wasn't really a heading to click on that covers my problem. I am a stay at home mom, going on 7 years; and I think this has gone so far beyond what I can deal with it's scary. My 6+ year old son Dr. Jekyll, turns into Mr.Hyde in less than two seconds over nothing. My husband just recently, (two weeks ago) went to Texas because of his job... no it is not permanant... he will be home before Thanksgiving. Our son threw fits here and there, and has always done his best to stay up all night (and keep everyone else up too), but lately it's been like living with a child I don't know. I have not been more "giving" on anything just because his dad is gone, I have maintained life just as it was when dad was home. I have tried to be more patient when he gets angry, and when he burst into tears over nothing, but I am also firm about trying to talk to him about his actions when he calms down. He has always been a very smart little boy, his school has him intelligence tested as a nine year old, so I know he understands the rules, and what I am saying when I tell him hitting hurts, and that saying swear words and lying is bad. Even so, the time outs have no effect, taking something away, (TV time or toy) causes him to find other things to occupy himself with (some things are far worse), and talking... huh! He will plug his ears or sit and hum or make spitting noises. I will tell him how rude he is being and remind him that we will sit there until he listens, he will fall asleep sitting there! He had ear problems, among other things when he was younger as well as less than a year ago, and that has made it tough. His ENT says his hearing is 100% and that his behavior is not due to any of these issues. His pediatrician had him tested for ADD/ADHD and said there was no way he was either of the two. I was told that we were not "challenging" him enough. So now I am sitting here going from site to site and seeing that I am "not alone" to say the least... not that that makes me feel any better, but whereas I see so many people with the same problems... I don't see many solutions. Help me please. I cannot let him get away with this just because I feel sorry for him, but I am at a loss. I am calling his school guidance counselor tomorrow, and I will go from there. Any other suggestion are greatly welcomed and appreciated.
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