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Name: momo
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so it is rylins first day at going full day to school..last week was all half day..And again he got in trouble..so no treasure stamp on his hand ..They use the stop light system..Green you get a stamp..Yellow no stamp on your hand..and red no stamp and you have a letter sent home or talk with the principal..

well he got yellow..so i have made my rules to be..if you get green you can play after school..If you get yellow you can't play with your toys for an hour and have to do extra homework that I assign..and Red you can't play with your toys all day..the teacher thinks that this is a good idea..as do I...i am not being harsh am I?
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Name: rain | Date: Aug 13th, 2007 11:49 PM
No, you are not. You are teaching him consequences for actions. Don’t forget rewards for good behavior also, and tons of good job type verbal rewards. And do not worry too much. He is learning the rules. 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 13th, 2007 11:54 PM
yeah i am good about the verbal good jobs..i even had to tell my bf to be more better with that..andat school if he gets 10 trasure stamps he gets to pull our of the treasure chest..same goes for my house..i decided to adopt the way the school does things..because while i use time out and toy taking.i feel like i am running out of options.. 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 12:28 AM
hahhaha... oh man.. i hated school.. poor kid =P 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 12:34 AM
That is good Momo, it helps to do what school is doing, also you may need to get inventive about some punishments and change it up some. Some children need that. My second one did. If you tried the same thing too many times it stopped working on her. I do not know if he is like that, but I think it helps with many children. I also always tried to make the punishment fit the crime. lol. I got real tricky. Try not to be down about it sweetie, this is experience in a new area, everyone has their moments. This is a time when you are learning new parenting skills because things have changed with him starting school. Just like I am myself. Mine are 19 and 21 and I am learning new things everyday. All kids are different and if something does not work, try something else.

When my son went to K he cut up a girls crayons with scissors. Ahhhh It was his little girlfriend. I could not believe it. Why would you do that? She dumped me. He said. It was so hard not to laugh. So he had to work around the house every day after school to pay for new crayons. I made him give her his crayons and he had to do without any for the rest of the week. So when the kids had cute pictures his were all white. Then when he had enough money for new ones, he had to give them to the little girl and get his old ones back. Plus, lol all the long talks about respecting other peoples things and how would you feel if this happened to you. And, hahaha, all the long talks about how you react when you GET DUMPED. And that was when he was 5. Lol 

Name: winnmom | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 1:34 AM
No Momo, not too harsh at all......seems like you have a great system starting! 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 7:45 AM
i am NOT an advocate of the reward system in school ....ahahahahhaha i think it creates way too many other problems IMHO.
though if you dont have a problem with it then ...i dont think you are being harsh.
i do however figure out whether or not this will work with the child..this system i wouldnt even of bothered with my second child...the care factor was never there :-| he wasnt one to care whether he had a stamp or not or whether he had to do work or if he had to be spoken to by the principal....

ditto rain :-) 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 8:07 AM
the problem i am finding with rylin..Is he is not undertsanding that school has rules now and lots of them..His major problem is talking alot..While I cant get after him at home for that because talking is aloud..at school its disruptive and he doesn't understand..He also has a hard time being told to do work, because he is easily frustrated..specially since his classmates are almost a year older than him..He is one of the youngest and just doens't have this relaization yet.. 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 8:35 AM
momo...couple of questions (dont have to answer if they seem to personal to you :-)

how old do you have to be to begin school where you live?
does he or has he been going to daycare?
hardest question...Has he had rules that needed to be followed at home?

age to me is not a barrier....my daughter (5th child) was 4.5 when she entered full time ed...and coped fine. What i think is essential to coping at full time school is social etiquette (baby one that is)......i think daycare caters to this ALOT....it teaches kids rules and to me... more importantly... interaction with peers...not adults.
but if you have had rules that your boy follows..and understands being polite (not butting in....this one is a biggy...LOL my kids still tend to yell over one another!!) ...but they KNOW that it is wrong and impolite so the tendency to do so in a classroom environment is minimal.
when you have one baby at this age...attention has been all theres so there may not be a reason for him to butt in...idk?
in regards to the frustration...my son was like this...i just encouraged his own ability...told him how wonderful his paintings were and that if we tried together we can get to stay in the lines :-)....
when that didnt work...i told him his sister was going to be the better painter!!!!..LOL...hahahahahaha (i can hear screaming....i didnt say i was that great a parent....hahahahaha i dont have patience!!!)...anyhoo i said that because i knew it would be the motivation he needed....he hates her being able to do anything that he cant!!!!...it worked with shoe laces too....LOL
hope it all works out for you momo 

Name: Ashley Dawn | Date: Aug 14th, 2007 11:25 AM
i don't think your being harsh at all. it's all new to him and he has to learn what he can and cannot do. this is something i'm going to have to look forward too.. : ( 

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