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Name: bmes
[ Original Post ]
should a 2.5 year old drink??? I looked it up on google and got alot of mixed answers...none from a reputable site. do any of you guys know the answer?

i'm wondering if Anika is drinking TOO MUCH water.
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Name: GoldiLocks | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 7:25 AM
Hey hun,
how u doing?
how much water is she drinking?
i know my 2 yr old drinks heaps also & i dont mind but if she is drinking heaps then making her full & she doesnt eat as much as she supposed too,
get my drift, hope i have not confused u cos while im writing this i have my 8 yr old whining on & on & so im not sure what i wrote lol,,, 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 2:21 PM
hey!! :-)

no i'm not concerned about how much food she's getting. she eats well.

i'd say she drinks about a litre of water a day. sometimes more. 

Name: Lola-May | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 5:17 PM
Water is good!!! You're lucky she likes to drink it. Too many kids are only drinking milk and juice.
A litre a day is not too much at all.

Silas isn't even 2 yet and he pounds back water like it's going out of style. 

Name: Lola-May | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 5:27 PM
Ok, so I just had a look around on the internet and found this:


help you feel better about how much water Anika is drinking. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 6:28 PM
If she'd drinking more then usual you may want to have her tested for diabetes. Excessive thirst is one of the first noticeable symptoms of diabetes. 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 6:37 PM
that was EXACTLY my thoughts lindalu. we do have diabetes in our family, so i'm always a little concerned about that.

i will read that link. thanks lola may 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 6:38 PM
Bmes, I found this on the web most likely it it doesn't pertain to you, but it is another informative piece of info that all mums should know.

Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms

The process that destroys the insulin-producing beta cells can be a long and insidious one. At the point when insulin production bottoms out, however, type 1 diabetes usually appears suddenly and progresses quickly. Warning signs of type 1 diabetes include:

* Frequent urination (in children, a recurrence of bed-wetting after toilet training has been completed).

* Unusual thirst, especially for sweet, cold drinks.

* Extreme hunger.

* Sudden, sometimes dramatic, weight loss.

* Weakness.

* Extreme fatigue.

* Blurred vision or other changes in eyesight.

* Irritability.

* Nausea and vomiting (acute symptoms).

Children with type 1 diabetes may also be restless, apathetic, and have trouble functioning at school. In severe cases, diabetic coma may be the first sign of type 1 diabetes

Parents of a child with "classic" symptoms of diabetes may notice that their son or daughter is abnormally thirsty, needs to urinate frequently, and has been losing weight in spite of a good appetite. But this is only one possible set of symptoms. Sometimes, the first sign of diabetes is bed-wetting in a child who has always been dry at night. Other times, in girls, it's a vaginal "yeast" infection (candida infection). About 25% of children have already progressed to diabetic ketoacidosis by the time they first see the doctor. Because these children may vomit and complain of abdominal pain, their symptoms can be mistaken for the flu or appendicitis. In the most severe cases, the child breathes rapidly and deeply, has a fruity odor on his breath, and may lose consciousness.

Doctors diagnose diabetes by testing for glucose and ketones in the urine and by measuring glucose levels in the blood. 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 6:51 PM
thank you lindalu...i am very aware of what diabetes is and how it all works. my grandmother, and aunt on my dad's side has diabetes. and my grandma on my mom's side has diabetes. i also had gestational diabetes when pregnant with Lex, and now because of it i have to get tested every year for diabetes... so yeah...i've done ALOT of reading on the subject.

thank you so much for helping me look into it though. Lex will be having his 18 month check up soon, so when i go there i will ask the doctor about Anika at the same time. :-) 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 6:54 PM
My daughter has hypoglycemia, I found out she had it 2-3 years after serious symptoms had already started happening. She was about 6 she kept having episodes where she would near faint. I was concerned so I mentioned it to her doctor, he said not to worry that it was probably a flook happening. But after almost two years of it happening I knew it wasn't flook. I again brought it up to him only this time I asked if it could have to do with her sugar levels. I explained that when it happens all we have to do to get her back to normal is feed her something sweet. The doctor again said no and sent her for other testing. All the testing he performed all came back normal so I asked him if he ran her glucose levels, he said no. By this time I am almost positive her problems are all stemmed around her sugar levels. I was pissed! I demanded we do a fasting glucose level, he agreed while still sure that it wasn't her glucose causing her episodes. Finally the results came back...what do you know her glucose was levels were not what they should be indicating that all along I was rite. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 7:04 PM
Bmes ,

That's good you know the signs, however it dose stink as to how you became to learn them. I really didn't know a lot about what affects a high or low glucose level had on the body until my daughter started having problems. I think there are probably many parents out there with children who are suffering from one form or another of diabetes and has no clue because they aren't aware of the symptoms. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 22nd, 2008 10:45 PM
water is very good as I am sure you know, but OVER watering the system can lead to, loss of vitamins, sore achy muscles, etc.......1 litre, is about 4 cups???.....an adult needs at least 8-10, so i would imagine 4 cups should not be harmful in any way.......
yes my thought too, if her thirst has increaased, best to be safe then sorry,..... 

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