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Name: NCmom
[ Original Post ]
i just read that peach you're getting a habait for humatiy house built. how does that work? Our neighbors that live beside us built one and it's REALLY nice. I thought about looking into that when we started thinking about buying a house because my husband's credit wasn't the best. I mean we had a time getting our car and other loans. But it went through and we were about to buy a house. We just had to pay off some debts my husband ran up while he was in the army in Germany. Our neighbors are really nice, she stays at home with their daughter and he is the only one that works. he's a illgeal immgrant from mexico and gets payed cash. I mean their REALLY nice but sometimes I think that's just not fair, when we had to do it on our own with no help, cause we can't get any kind of help. But anyway, I mean do you have to pay like a house payment or something towards it? I've ever asked them.
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