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Name: bmes
[ Original Post ]
at the beginning of the fire season, hubby would start work at 830am....then later on in the season they start him at 1030am (so they get less overtime...fkin' gov...lol...)

but the last couple days he's been having to start work at 830am again because they're out falling trees....so this morning he's running around all pissy cause two days in a row he's been running late!! he's snapping at me "where's my fkin' phone..where's my fkin' keys?...common i'm really late...." and "why am i running so late? i used to have TONS of time in the morning to get ready even when I started at 830...." well first of all dummy....back then, Lex was waking us up at 5am....now both kids sleep till 7am every morning (sooooo nice btw...lol....) anyways....i just sat there....didn't help him at all... "you should keep your shit all in one spot and then you wouldn't have this problem...." lol...so then he's leaving and he's running out the door...and i say to him "don't you dare walk out the door without saying bye to the kids...go give them kisses!!!" he snaps again "i'm fkin' late!!" oh and giving them kisses is going to make you so much later!!!!! FFS....just a few weeks ago, he really almost DIED...his crew members thought he WAS dead....so if you need extra time in the morning and want extra time with your kids....start setting your alarm clock!!!!!

i can't believe he was actually MAD at me this morning, cause HE can't get his shit together!!!! fkin' MEN i tell ya!!!!! sometimes i just want to smack him on the head!!! lol...
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Name: Lola-May | Date: Sep 11th, 2008 7:05 PM
Mine does the same thing!!! For some reason I am fully responsible for not only myself and Silas but I also apparently have to keep track of where he puts his keys and phone and anything else that comes into this house.

"fkin' MEN" is right!!! I'll jump on the head smacking bandwagon! 

Name: bmes | Date: Sep 11th, 2008 8:14 PM
ha ha ha lola....maybe it's the dry okanagan air....dries up their lil brains....lol.... 

Name: VonDoomsMom | Date: Sep 12th, 2008 12:19 AM
I get yelled at for the "take and put" as he calls it. I always say if you wouldn't do the "bring and lay" I wouldn't HAVE to take and put!!! 

Name: Lola-May | Date: Sep 12th, 2008 2:48 AM
Ha ha ha "take and put"!!!!! That's so funny!
Love the come back too.
Must be a man thing to do the ole "bring and lay"...the coat closet is literally right beside the front door but do coats ever go in there??? Only after I pick them up from being flung on the back of the chair and put them there.

bmes-there are definitely some raisin brains here...lol 

Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Sep 12th, 2008 12:47 PM
Well you guys are better off than me! I live alone and lose all of my own stuff and I have my dad calling me to ask if I know where certain things are! 

Name: sweetrachaelanne | Date: Oct 14th, 2008 12:52 AM
I hear you! My husband is leaving on a week and a half hunting trip tomorrow and is mad at me because I asked him to help me do a few things (blue jobs heavy lifting etc) before he goes because we are having new flooring put down, things I have been asking him to do for 2 weeks!!!! GRRRR!
He acts like because he works and I am at home that means I am supposed to do EVERYTHING at home! We have 2 girls 2 and 6 plus I babysit two other children during the week, we decided together that I would be a stay at home mom as I feel like this is my job right now but I get 0 respect, I am starting to honeslty consider the D word!
Does anyone else out there feel they get no respect as a stay at home mom? I am at the end of my rope here...enough is enough! 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Oct 15th, 2008 11:01 AM
I am right there with you Rosey!! I have often thought about starting a commune for us moms... No men, just us and the kids... We would each take turns cooking and cleaning, that way we would really do less.... There would be free child care, and we could live on some tropical Island far away... making a living braiding tourists' hair on the beach and making seashell necklaces to sell.. LOLOLOL... Of course we would need at least ONE swarthy houseboy who didn't speak English.... HA HA HA 

Name: bmes | Date: Oct 15th, 2008 2:56 PM
ha ha ha!!! funny that this came up again, cause this morning was hilarious.

hubby had to go to work at 8am this morning. he woke up at 6am. then i woke up with the kids at 7am. at that time i reminded him it was garbage day AND that there's frost. so at 730am he FINALLY decides it would be a good idea to get ready for work. fkin' dummy....it takes him 13 minutes to get to work. so he's got a little over 15 minutes to get ready and be out the door. so he's scrambling with the garbages, and he gets to his car and is all pissy cause there's frost on the windshield and his windshield washer fluid is empty so he has to try and scrape the frost off!!!!!! i TOLD HIM there was frost!!!!! THINK AHEAD EINSTEIN!!!!!!

but what baffles me is that he STILL managed to be late even though he woke up at 6 FKIN" AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like wtf did he do all morning long? lol..... 

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