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Name: lana_81
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my 3 week old son is sick..hes so conjested and has a temp..hes been painfully moaning for the past half hour..hes too young for panadol..hes been sick for a week now and i have had him to the doctors..poor buba..i have a sore throat and my 4 year old is sick now too..ahhhhhhhhh.. its the stupid weather !! suposed to be summer and were wearing jumpers...
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Name: sunflower | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 9:41 AM
If he get's too bad take him the hospital. 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 9:51 AM
yeh ive already rang them once...My sister said when you baby gets sick before there 3 months you should take them straight to hospita no matter what..I had never heard this..The doctor told me he has a viral infection. but i thought he would be getting over it by now.. that was a week ago.. he seemed to be getting better than got worse! last night he was so unsetled all night.. 

Name: Meagan | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 10:41 AM
Poor Couper... The little bugger hasn't had a very good run yet has he.... I hope he gets better soon... I hope you feel well soon to lana.... 

Name: jaxjos | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 11:19 AM
Lana, I agree that u should probably take him to the hospital especially if he isn't getting any better after a week. Check the mimimum weight specification on the panadol and is he weighs more, then a one off dose will not hurt him. A friend of mine has a 3 or 4 week old baby and he got a staph infection under the skin and developed a rash on his leg and of his mum didn't take him to the hospital straight away, there could have been serious consequences. She was going to wait until the morning to take him to the medical centre, but he is lucky he went to the hospital when he did, they said he may have lost a limb or died. That scared the hell out of me 

Name: bravebusch | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 3:12 PM
Newborns do not get sick - get him to a hospital. My 4 day old son starting feeling feverish, I still don't know how I figured out he wasn't acting "normal" He had become dehydrated. My pediatrician said it's nothing, wait it out. I called my brother in law who's a family physician who said - take him to the ER and expect him to be admitted. He was right. Trust your instincts. 

Name: homemommichele | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 3:15 PM
Too young for panadol?? I think that is the same as tylenol here in the states and we give that to neonates, even premies!! If he has a fever at 3 weeks old definately get him to the hospital asap! My baby had a fever at a few weeks and it was only about 100.3 and they had me bring him in. It is RSV season, and that can be a very very bad virus for babies!! 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 8:53 PM
Well hes of to see the pediatrition... last night he screamed for hours and was awake for about 3 hours.. hes only drinking 30 ml instead of his usual 150ml and he pukes most back up.. when he burps his little face screws up in pain and he crys .,.. i think his throat must be sore. I gave him a small dose of panadol last night at 3 to settle him and he slept for under 2 hours and was screaming again..his temp went down though thank god.. its so scarey when there this little and sick.. My husband is taking him in casue he is stronger than me and will make sure he gets answers.. i just ball my eyes out. thanks I will let you know how he goes! 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 9:11 PM
My 10 week old little girl got sick at 3 weeks w/ a horrible cough and severe congestion. She had RSV and my dr. was very concerned b/c she was sooo young...there was nothing we could do but wait it out and see if she needed to be hospitalized. He didn't want to start her on a nebulizer b/c of her age...it was sooo scary 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 12:47 AM
Couper isnt couphing but hes so congested! The Dr said to give him a liittle panadol and use some chest rub.. I am also using fess! Hes been sick for 8 days ++ now so that really concerns me..It seems to be going around.. iam so worried becasue hes only a newborn.. what is RSV?? 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 12:48 AM
He seems better during the day than at night.. hes just had a bath and drank 100ml,. the most hes drank in one go in a few days! 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 12:49 AM
he loves bath time i dress him and wrap him up and feed him and he settles well! I just want him to be better! 

Name: Dana G | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 2:07 AM
It's a really bad respiratory infection. It can mean hospitalization in some cases especially in newborns. Your doctor can do a test if they feel it's necessary. my daughter was a baby and had a really bad cold and they tested her. They (not to sound sick) suck the snot out of her nose from a tube then test it. If she's been to the doctot they must not feel she has it that bad or they probably would of tested her. Hopefully she's better soon. Did the doc tell you to run a dehumidifier? Sometimes they help. 

Name: Dana G | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 2:08 AM
That was to your question about RSV. 

Name: jaxjos | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 2:12 AM
That's right Dana. RSV stands for "respiratory synctitial (sp?) virus" and it is quite bad in little babies. Please take Couper to the hospital if it doesn't get better. I'm so glad u gave him some Panadol, i'm sure it made the poor little thing feel a bit better. I hope he improves soon, i can only imagine how much u are freaking out 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 2:30 AM
having a sick baby is horible and worring... I can only imagine how people with really sick kids with cancer and things handle it... when my son was nearly 3 he was put in hospital on a drip, dehydrated from a spew poo bug called cryptospreidiosis.. its uncommen here but millions die from it in 3rd world countries. he was in hospital for 4 days and I stayed with him the whole time.. our daughter was only 1 and i was 8 months pregnant.. I felt so bad I wasnt at home for our daughter but I needed to be there for my son... When I go to winge about me being sick with something minor i think of the people who are really sick.. When kids are sick i be extra worring though.. hes having a good nap now.. panadol must have made him feel better.. Tonight I will be going to the hospital if he gets worse! 

Name: Dana G | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 2:32 AM
I hope he's better soon. it's hard when you can't really help them. 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 4:14 AM
We went to the doctor and he thinks hes reflux.. He screamed all night last night! he had a temp, hes constipated..he is only drinking 30 ml.. good thing is he weighs 9 pound 2 ouce.. he was 7 pound 8 ounce born! Doctor sent him for a chest xray to rule out chest infectoin cause hes very congested and cant hardly breathe,, we will know the results tomorow! 

Name: winnmom | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 6:38 PM

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