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Name: kristin
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I just had my baby 3 1/2 weeks ago....and am experiencing staying at home with him and my 3 year old son. What a transition! I used to work full-time monday thru Friday and my son went to pre-school. Now I am home all day and I love it but I have my moments where I just want to talk with an adult! My hubby works two jobs so I dont see him alot. And I have learned that taking a three year old and a newborn anywhere can get crazy. ahhhhhh what a funny life! Well worth it though :) Anyone feel this way also?
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Name: Julia | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 8:04 PM
Hi Kristin! I went from working full time to staying home as well and I found it to be very different and a bit getting use to. Have you looked into joining any play groups in your area? You can meet other SAHMs and your son can play with all the other kids. Don't worry, you will get use to it and love it more and more. Try to be active outside of the house so you can maybe meet some other mommies. Good luck, it's a wonderful thing being there full time for your little ones! 

Name: kristin | Date: Jun 20th, 2006 9:39 PM
Thanks for the advice Julia. I dont know if there are playgroups around here. I live in Utah and I am not a morman wich causes a few problems because everyone else in our area is morman, and basiclly dont want much to do with us. Hopefully I can find a night job...just to get out of the house a little. I made a lot of money at the job I just left......And the only places around here hiring start you out at 6 bucks an hour. isnt that crazy????? When I was 16 I worked at arbys fir 5.50 an hour......and that was almost 10 years ago! minimum wage has gone up .50 cents in 10 years thats so lame. 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 20th, 2006 11:45 PM
Oh that would be hard if most people in your area are Mormon, and you are not. Are there any sister cities that would be a bit more "religiously diverse"? Not sure if most of Utah is Mormon (I know it's the Mormon capital of the U.S.) but thought maybe there were more pockets of them than others? That's odd they wouldn't still welcome you, my really good friend is Mormon and she use to always invite us to get togethers with people from her Temple. That's too bad.
How are things holding up since the last you posted? Are you starting to get the swing of things? Even if the part time jobs pay very little, at least you can get out of the house for a while and interact with adults. As long as family or hubby can watch the kids for free of course, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it. ;) If I am not pregnant by the time we move, which is in August, I will look for part time work when hubby is home too until I do get prego. It's a nice balance. ;) Let me know how you're hanging in there. 

Name: Jen | Date: Jun 21st, 2006 1:47 PM
I remember when I had my daughter and decided not to go back to work. The one thing I missed was adult conversation and wearing something else besides jeans and a t-shirt. We have play dates with other stay at home moms once a week which helps now. It is worth it to stay home because time is flying by and our children will only be young once and I figure I have the rest of my life to work. Hang in there. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 21st, 2006 8:42 PM
Absolutely. I am curranly 10 weeks and 4 days along with my second and have a 2 year old son. I became a stay-at-home mom because financially it was the best decision. After doing the math for paying for day care I would have only been working for just over a $1 an hour. My husbands laughs at me sometimes because you can definately tell when I haven't been around other adults for a whiled. They other day my husband said he was going to go to bed and I caught my self saying to him, "Night-Night." I absolutely love being able to stay at home but adult interaction every now and then is a must. 

Name: kristin | Date: Jun 21st, 2006 10:51 PM
Hi Julia...ya im hanging in there! Its just so differnt. today I went to the mall to shop....but my double stroller wouldnt fit in many of the stores so I just walked around. It was still fun though. Ya not EVERYONE here is mormon but the majority is. I am thinking about enrolling my son in a pre-school that he can go to a couple times a week so he can learn and play.....and maybe I can actually get some cleaning done! So are you trying for a baby? How many kids do u have? I just have my 3 year old son and my 5 week old son. I dont think we are having anymore. Two is plenty!! 

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