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Name: bmes
[ Original Post ]
we're supposed to be celebrating hubby's promotion...instead, NOW, we're stuck in fkin' suspense!!! it's driving me bananas!!!! and all because of some 50 year old ASSHOLE who's whining cause he didn't do good enough on his interview and is in total denial about it.

so this guy has 2 weeks to decide whether he wants to request a review with the panel of people who gave the interview....so they all sit down and go over his answers and blah blah blah....usually, most people just ends it right there....BUT, if this asshole STILL doesn't agree with their decision he can put take it to the union, and then they review all of it, and that could tie things up for MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!! MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

most of the time people don't take it that far cause it basically shows that you don't respect the people who gave the interview and are basically calling them a bunch of fkin' idiots who make stupid decisions. lol....it just looks bad.

but apparently this guy was pretty pissed he didn't win, and to top it off the guy who won (my hubby), is a level below him!!! lol....so who knows how far he'll take it.

we're not TOO worried about it. from what we heard this guy didn't even make it in the top 3 candidates. but still.....you never know....and now we're sitting here wondering "wtf do we do? we can't put our house for sale yet....the market is just getting worse, not better. we wanted to put it up for sale asap....now we have to fkin' wait to see what this dipshit does and how far he goes. he'd be pretty dumb to take it to the union, cause i don't think he has a very good chance of winning in the first place, and then what? then he's stuck working there WITH hubby....lol....talk about tension.

anyways...sorry for the rant. lol....i'm just frustrated.

this dumbass is SHITTING ON MY PARADE!!!!!!!
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Name: bmes | Date: Nov 4th, 2008 11:58 PM
lol....well we're not really worried about hubby LOSING the job....but it's more of a pain in the ass not knowing WHEN he will get the job.

hubby just phoned me and i guess this old man was offered the same job in cranbrook. see they go down this list...first guy turned down both towns, then hubby came in second...he picked grand forks....then they offered cranbrook to whoever was in 3rd place and he turned it down, and then this old man who's in grand forks was fourth so they offered him cranbrook.....so NOW the big boss man in grand forks phoned my hubby and was fishing to see if he was totally SET on grand forks or if he was on the fence between grand forks and cranbrook. and asked why he picked grand forks....

also one of the guys interviewing hubby was the boss in cranbrook and really liked my hubby. i'm thinking they were hoping he'd pick cranbrook....not knowing that grand forks would be much closer to family and that was one of the big reasons why we picked it.

anywyas...we feel bad, cause this old man i don't think wants to move to cranbrook...he's lived in grand forks all his life. so if he turns down cranbrook, he's stuck in grand forks as hubby as his boss....lol.....oh what a mess...

i mean cranbrook is still really nice. but the real estate there is MUCH more expensive. and a much bigger town....well not huge..but we were looking forward to some small town life. plus the amount of staff hubby would be responsible for would be about 5 times more, so 5 times more stress...AND cranbrook is about 6 hours away from family rather than 2 hours away.

we probably will stick with grand forks. i just feel bad that hubby will have to deal with this whiney piss ant!!! lol... 

Name: winnmom | Date: Nov 5th, 2008 3:34 AM
He got the promotion????!!!!!!!!woooohoooo!!!!! that is sooo awesome!
ughhh....yeah you got to hate people who whine when they do not get what they want!!!!!!!!
I can totally understand the frustration!
I sure the heck hope that this is dealt with soon, so that you guys are not sitting in wonder.............

sooooooooooothe big question is..........did you tell the famly? and how did that go? 

Name: bmes | Date: Nov 5th, 2008 4:49 AM
hey winn....sorry...i was going to email you, but it's was a long story so i thought to do it just in here, hoping you'd read it...ha ha

actually....hubby talked to some people, and by the sounds of things, this old guy probably won't appeal it...he's too "nice of a guy" to do that. just wanted to know WHY we chose this town over the other. whether it was "whatever lets just pick one" or if there was a BIG reason....well hubby explained his reasons and they TOTALLY understand now. they didn't really know about our small children we had and the family we have all around there....so...so far things are "OK" lol..

we told my family on sunday and they are soooooooo soooooooooo sooooooo happy for us. i'm sooooooooooooooo relieved.


Name: bmes | Date: Nov 5th, 2008 7:03 PM
ok now i'm starting to feel a little bad for this old guy...lol...

apparently he's NOT 50....HE'S 60!!!! i guess he started late in the industry and has made it to PA level...but your pension is based on your last 3 years of work....if he had gotten the promotion he could have retired in a few years and his pension would be much much more than if he retires now. most people retire at 55...he's 60 ffs!!! he was offered the promotion in cranbrook, but his wife works and they have real estate and have been in this town for YEARS!!!!

i know i shouldn't take it personally....i mean i'm sure the guy is more than capable but he was lower down on the list because he just didn't prepare himself enough for the interview as much as the others did.

i feel bad for the guy.... 

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