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Name: First Time Mommy
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My baby is 4 and a half months old. This is me and my boyfriends first baby is it normal for the man to loose patient? Alrady with the baby?
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Name: lindalu | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 2:15 AM
Ya it is perfectly normal! As long as the father is not physicaly hurting the baby. Some babys cry more than others, and some people have more patience. I had verry little patience with my daughter, the crying went through me like a hot blade! After some time I got more usto the crying. I developed more patience, the crying wasnt to the level that I wanted to berry my head in a hole some where. As long as he isnt doing any physical or emotional harm than dont worrie. he more than likely will grow acustom to the cry. 

Name: girly29 | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 4:41 AM
I agree with Lindalu......Maybe if you see him losing his patience to go over and help him out...everything is still new for the both of you's.....In time things will even out. Like Lindalu said, once you learn the cries your able to get to the problem right away rather than a big guessing game....Its tough at first but once they start sleeping their nights thats when I think it gets easier because then your having more rest resulting with more patience...Take care :) 

Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 3:08 PM
My ex partner was losing patience with my son when he'd only been home from hospital for two days!!!!!!
Make sure that you don't leave your baby alone with him if you think he's going to lose his temper. Try talking to him about how he feels and why he's losing patience. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Aug 12th, 2006 2:51 AM
I think lots of men aren't much interested in babies until they are older and can actually do things with them to where they'll both have fun and can remember stuff. 

Name: koz | Date: Aug 12th, 2006 3:04 AM
it's hard on eveyone when there is a new baby...lack of sleep does a lot of crazy things to people(I know!!) Like others have said once you figure out the cries and can respond to them quicker, it will be easier. These first few months are rough..hang in there! 

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