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Name: Reale21
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I am 21 years old, single and just started a great job. My worked day starts at 7:30 so, I am up by 5:30 to get ready for work. What will I do when the baby arrives and it's time to go back to work? ( 16 weeks, due sept. 20) Is childcare available that early in the morning? I am afraid that my new morning routine will be sloppy and don't want to make a bad impression at the new work place. I also feel kinda bad that I will be rushing my newborn to daycare for 8 hours for 5 days. It makes me sad thinking about it now. After I pick the baby up from daycare I will be tired from a full day and will be preparing for another early day the night before. My baby won't get the quality time that I want to offer. Any advise out there?
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Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: Apr 7th, 2007 6:52 PM
I don't know what country you're in, but in the UK we have Registered Childminders - they have more flexible hours than daycare centres and it's a little more like being at home for the baby.

You'll have to start looking around now I guess. You might like to have a word with your employer and finding out if there's any chance of flexible working hours - we have that covered by law in the UK - I don't know what it's like where you are though.

You could go part-time if you could afford it. You should be looking into getting some child support from the father to help make up what you'll be losing in pay if you were to go part-time.

Have you looked into what kind of financial provision your Government makes for single parents - tax breaks etc. 

Name: mammalorney12 | Date: Apr 8th, 2007 10:49 PM
You should look into getting a Nanny I was a nanny for 3 years and I loved it. And your child gets more one on one attention the it deserves rather than a class room of kids and one teacher.
You need to be soooooooooooooo careful tho do back ground checks ect... And also have the nanny come to your home. If i was in that position that would be my choice but everyone is diffirent. 

Name: momof3 | Date: Apr 9th, 2007 2:52 PM
I am at stay at home mom, but I babysit children in my home. I never have that many at one time, but my girls love it, knowing that they have kids coming over to play. Look into that, or do you have any family members or close friends that could watch the baby? 

Name: Mandysmom | Date: May 8th, 2007 1:43 PM
Childcare centers usually do not provide services at 5:30am. I've never heard of one doing that. Be prepared to feel sad about it, we all do. But when you have no other option, what can you do? Also, there are lots of women who don't have to go back to work, but choose to because they love their jobs, so we all have different reasons for working. I was also afraid that the new morning routine would be chaotic, but it really isn't that bad. I swear. My baby is usually still sleeping when I get up, so I will quickly get myself dressed and ready, then I deal with her (feeding, diaper change, change of clothes etc.). My advice is to make sure you get as much done the evening BEFORE. This includes taking a shower, getting whatever supplies needed to bring to daycare, making sure your keys are where you can find them etc. It's the little things that make you late and rush around. So take care of all that the night before. Put her car seat in the car the night before so you don't have heavy stuff to carry out. Also, sometimes I will dress baby in the clothes that she can wear to daycare the night before as well. She's just an infant so I think it is OK for her to go to daycare in her stretchies. So if there are no accidents during the night and the stretchie is clean, I can send her in that and that saves time too. 

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