Hello, guest
Name: Lynn
[ Original Post ]
I often feel that my life is out of control. I am working a demanding job, trying to keep up with my seven year old and a load of house work, not to mention working on a PhD. I have gain 20 pounds in two years because I can't find the time to exercise.
And yes, I am eating all the wrong things and the wrong amounts just because I am stressed.
I am determined to finish this degree and my current job is extremely demanding. My husband has no idea how difficult this all is. He has never missed a golf game in all of this.
He plays a lot of golf and comes home after drinking too much.
I want to be a good mother, but I am finding myself getting short temper with him.
I just need support. Is there anyone out there who can relate?
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Name: kristin | Date: Apr 28th, 2006 7:02 PM
So what does your husband do? what kind of job does he have...if your job is so demanding maybe you need to quit or go to part time. 

Name: lynn | Date: Apr 29th, 2006 4:42 AM
He is a sales manager at a large car dealership. He does pretty well. I wanted to stay home after our son was born, but he said it wasn't possible. (Even his golfing buddies give him a hard time about being cheap.)
It is rather strange to get your response. I am thinking about taking a less stressful job. I have the job waiting if I want it. I've been considering it for a while. I think I am going to take it!
You know, Kristin, you sound just like my older sister. Thanks for your feedback. I was really feeling down. 

Name: Lisa | Date: May 12th, 2006 7:17 PM
I think I would be heading for divorce court because it doesn't sound as if your husband cares too much about what's going on in your life.Ironic isn't it? you're married but yet it sounds as if you and your husband live separate lives! Get a divorce,you may actually see improvements after. 

Name: Theresa | Date: May 20th, 2006 9:37 AM
i take on alot of other people stuff 

Name: Tvresearcher19 | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 11:37 PM
Hey There! I know this is going to sound CRAZY but bear with me. I am a researcher for a new TV talk show called "The Greg Behrendt Show." Greg is awesome and we are doing a segment on 'manning up'. I think your story would fit into this category- but of course I'd have to learn more. Email me if interested! [email protected]. Greg may be able to help! 

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