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Name: sylvia0366
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Hi, I just wanted to know if anyone has had a similar problem that I am having with my daughter's teacher. My daugther was transferred to a new school because they wanted to seperate her from her brother, they both are autistic, the third day of school, the teacher told me that my daughter's clothes were to "fancy" for school and to send her in a uniform, which I went out and bought, and from then on it has been nothing but complaints from her everyday, that my daughter is screaming, hitting, pinching, yelling, etc...then in November, she told me that my daughter was masturbating, I was suprised because I had not seen her do that, I asked her behavior therapist and she said that this was normal and not to worry, yet we observed her and all she did was scratch. A few days later, the teacher tells me that she called Child protective services because my daughter "poled danced" and she thought that she was molested, ever since then it has been a nightmare!! CPS came looked at my house, checked my other 2 kids, and finally to the point where I had to take my daughter to the Sex abuse clinic to be checked to see if she was molested, during all this the teacher was very very nice to me. In her report there were inconsistencies with her story and she also stated in the report that I was an excellent mother!. After almost 4 months of investigating, CPS has closed their case as they found nothing to substantiate those allegations. Now the teacher ignores me and the only time she will say anything is to tell me that my daughter is being bad and today she told the bus driver to make sure that my daughter sat by herself away from all the other kids. I have requested my daughter to be transferred back to her old school. I have noticed that my daughter is starting to display behaviors that she did not have before, she keeps both of her hands in very tight fists, to the point where they turn purple, I have been told that this is signs that she is stressed, she also started kicking doors and screaming more, this had stopped. I have a meeting next week with the Assistant Principal, Teacher and the Special Education Supervisor from the School District. I don't want to go alone because I know all they ever do is gang up the parents, I have been thru this at the beginning. Does anyone know who I should take, PLEASE any advise would be helpful. This teacher has taught my daughter alot of things but I also know that she is not a very nice person. Sorry to make this such a long email.
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Name: hope3650 | Date: Feb 1st, 2007 6:54 PM
My heart goes out to you and your family. I just wanted to say that you should listen to your daughter's body language and get her out of the situation as soon as possible. Sometimes our children can't tell us verbally, but other indications show that something isn't right here. Even if it is nothing more than a teacher who isn't a very nice person, I believe there are many teachers who are very nice people and they should be the ones who have the privilege of working with our children each day. You don't need the added stress on your family of dealing with it. You should go through whatever you need to in order to find a better situation for your daughter. It might be tough, but after the transition, you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner. 

Name: mondo | Date: Feb 2nd, 2007 12:34 AM
Hi Sylvia,
My prayers are with you. When you meet with all the school staff you need to have as many pro-active help for your daughter that you can find in a hurry: parent advocates, autism specialists, your daughter's therpaist should also attend to help school staff understand your daughter's behaviors as well as provide advice to them. To find advocates, ask the therapist if she knows of any, go online and 'google': "parent advoates for XYZ city and it should give you a list of them, they are always very willing and ready to come to your help; also if you do not know of any autism specialists, look them up on line for your community area; the more people you have attending on your side of the spectrum to attend IEP's/school meetings, the better because often times, the school staff gets stuck in a rut and do not seek assistance as they ought to so it is usually the parents tha end up being very PROACTIVE to make things move along in the best interest of your daughter, including her rights in a public school system. You can do it, just hang in there; I will keep you in my prayers! 

Name: redi1956 | Date: Feb 2nd, 2007 11:32 AM
change the teacher your child has and stand your ground,and your right do not go alone,I have a son in school with autism spectrum ,there are only two options in school normal and severe if your child is in the middle its WAR. 

Name: jennmom1 | Date: Feb 3rd, 2007 6:33 AM
I would recomend that you contact your regional center and tell them that you would like a "Parent Advocate" to come with you. If they cannot help you then contact ASA (Austism Society of America). They are very helpful with advice and referals. Explain your situation to them and tell them you want a Parent Advocate. They can help you locate one. A parent advocate knows all of your childs and your rights. They will help direct you and fight for you and your child. Good luck! 

Name: sylvia0366 | Date: Feb 3rd, 2007 8:46 PM
Thank you everybody for your advise and prayers. I have a meeting with the school next Thursday, my coordinator from the regional center is coming with me and we did not tell the school, they will be shocked. I guess they have been notified that I requested her transferred and they are being very very nice, even the teacher, since the day I yelled at the AP, which was Wednesday, and told her that her school had the rudest and unprofessional school staff, I have gotten notes saying that Sabrina is doing excellent work, that she is wonderful and blah blah blah blah!! Her last complaint was that she was biting her lips and peeling the dry skin and making them bleed, which I replied she just had a cold and this is normal, vaseline and chapstick are being put on her. I also told the AP that my therapist and dr wondered that if this woman is supposed to be an "autism specialist", why is she so surprised at these different behaviors, did she not have the qualifications or the capability to work with our kids, she did not know what to say. Sorry to go on and on, I just wanted to get it off my chest . Again thank you for your advise and I will let you know the outcome of Thursday's meeting.



Name: ltl | Date: Feb 4th, 2007 5:49 AM

Name: kath | Date: Mar 22nd, 2008 11:40 AM
Take an educational advocate with you. My son's school did absolutely nothing and let me believe that they couldn't do anything for him. I hired an advocate, and viola! special programs, aides and resource for his education appeared as if by magic. I have to say that having the advocate was one of our few triumphs. 

Name: loli | Date: Jun 2nd, 2008 10:17 AM
Sounds like the teacher was making up alot of that because she did not like your daughter. Your teacher was being a bully and taking advantage of this situation to make your child and your life hell.

It seems that teachers these days hate differences so much because it's an inconvenience to them and they try to get revenge for it.

There are cases of teachers emotionally scarring different pupils and getting away with it.

What you need to do is call her on it. You sound like a very nice lady. If your daughter is getting more violent, chances are, she's that way because she's being tormented in school and nobody is going to tell you about it because the higher ups don't care and will make it out to be your fault.

Also sometimes when someone is in the wrong, they will cover it up by sicking others on you.

You need to get angry with that teacher and threaten with media attention and a lawsuit.

If you don't, they will continue to harrass you. You may also try to look into other schools. I think the teacher actually wants your child out of the classroom so she doesn't have to deal with someone who is different and the teacher has no business being there and probably is a complete psychopath. 

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