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Name: cc4npg
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One c-sec... One VBAC... and now a debate.

I honestly don't want another c-section. My first one, 19 years ago,
was horrible. I had pre-eclampsia. Baby was small and had stopped
growing. Amniotic fluid had disappeared. Induction didn't work with
pitocin. It was a scheduled emergency, and they knocked me out on the
table due to BP. They didn't want me to see baby first day due to BP.
Four days in bed! Baby weighed 5.2 lbs, but healthy. Very painful.
Very long recovery.

VBAC was wonderful. 16 years ago. Had started becoming pre-eclampsic
again. Was induced FOUR times with prostagladin gel. It finally took
and labor was short. Felt wonderful afterwards! Huge difference in
pain and recovery. Baby weighed 6.2 lbs... hole in heart at birth and
still has it. But very healthy and actually bigger than my oldest is

Currently about 37 weeks pregnant... different father. Doctors say
they no longer induce once c-section has happened. They say I was VERY
lucky I didn't rupture last time, but truth is I didn't! They've been
pushing for a repeat c-section. However, things this time are very
different. I am NOT having any signs of pre-eclampsia! Baby is
actually much more active than I ever remember my other pregnancies
being. Reason they are concerned is because I am measuring (outside on
stomach) smaller than I should. They are concerned about baby being
small, but have mentioned it could be just because I give birth to
smaller babies. This hardly seems to be a good reason for a c-
section. Amniotic fluid has been fine. They are doing another u/s to
measure approx. weight/growth of baby Tuesday, but again, they're
pushing for a repeat c-sec.

If baby is growing on his own curve, and provided there are no signs of
distress or pre-eclampsia, shouldn't I be permitted to continue with
the pregnancy to at least see if I go into spontaneous labor?? A
successful VBAC has been shown statistically to greatly improve chances
of another without rupture, provided no induction occurs, right? Am I
missing something? I am really dreading the enormous pain associated
with my first c-section, as well as the recovery time! I think my body
would go into labor if they let me have a chance, and this has been a
completely different, more healthy pregnancy. Comments?????
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