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Name: Lin-Ko
[ Original Post ]
Please forgive me for not getting you your shower present yet. I feel so bad. I've been meaning to send it out but my finances have been totally shot to sh*t lateley and with the holidays here everything's been so crazy :0( I know I should have gotten it out a LONG time ago and I feel bad. Just know that I'll get it to you soon and I didn't forget about you. Please forgive me.
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Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 5:56 AM
Okay so I am just curious as to why after all this time you have now decided to post something on the shower gift that you were suppose to send out the month of November. Mommyagain had posted several message on here asking you whether or not you where still planning on sending a gift. Never once did you reply to these messages even though you have been online several time and posted things such as how you just spent $205 on a 3D ultrasound. I understand having financial problems we all have been there from time to time. But what has made this situation as bad as it is, is the fact that you never said anything about the Baby Shower Gift when you had plenty of time to say something. 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:32 AM
Well Thank you SaRah...I was just stating a point of why bring this all up now when it could have been brought up when it really mattered. It doesn't matter anymore since the whole online Baby Shower has been done and over with for sometime. Why bring it up now, why not let it be... 

Name: Lin-Ko | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 4:08 PM
Whatever. There is a difference between an ultrasound and a baby shower gift. And yes, I was supposed to send it out in November but I wasn't able to. End of story. I'm just letting her know that I didn't forget about her. That's all. I didn't need you to jump all over my back about it, ok? Nobody's perfect. Grow up. I'll see you all around. This board has gone to hell in a hand basket anyway. 

Name: jillw | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 4:18 PM
Lin-do what she is saying is that several people posted to you about the gift issue and you never bothered to reply. You were on line so there is no reason why you couldn't ahve jsut said that times were tight. It is just hurtful that everyone else held up their end execept for you. We all understand hard times and ethansmom would have been fine with a simple "I don't have the money sorry", but you are just now offering it 1 month later. her feelings were hurt. The good new is that you don't need to bother sending a gift because courtaney already sent her one so that she wouldn't be left out. I hope things get better for you. Happy new year/ 

Name: Lin-Ko | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 4:26 PM
I did reply saying that times were tight but whatever. I have more imortant things to worry about than stupid online fights. I'm still going to send her a gift but yeah. Take it or leave it. I don't care anymore. 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 6:21 PM
I am not fighting so if anyone wants to fight I guess you are on your own. I am happy that you were able to gather enough money to have your ultrasound done. Missing out on this would have been a terrible lost and I would have felt aweful for you if you were not able to enjoy this experience. I do hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I have no bad feelings towards you. What has been done is done lets just leave it. I have had financial issue myself, infact not to long ago. And yes the holidays do not make the situation any easier. But as Jill said Coartney sent me a gift which was really nice even though I argue with her not to. I was okay with not recieving anything because I had with me the fact that when I sent my gift and it was recieved I made my secret shower person very happy. That was all I needed because this is the type of person that I am. Was I hurt absolutely but again it is what it is and there isn't a whole lot of control I had over it. Nothing I have or had to say had anything to do with the actually gift. I by no means am a material person. I just was given the feeling that I was forgotten about even though you claim this was not the case. Mommyagain and Jill I believe both posted something asking whether or not you were planning on sending something and if not to let them know so that I would not be left out. Again I was fine not recieving anything. You never responded. Everyone else did and if you go back to that post and every single other post you will see where I have stood on this issue. 

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