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Name: ashleymama
[ Original Post ]
Well I don't know if any of the old girls are on here anymore but I have been on this site w/every pregnancy and needless to say I am pregnant again
:-D I have a 6 year old named Laelah, 2 year old named Emma, an 11 month old son Sean and now I am pregnant again w/the next hunk of love. I am nervous because it was unexpected and I took a test 4 days early because well I've been pregnant 4 times before and I know how it feels and it was of course positive. I feel great though, just really tired and I'm eating like no other which I didn't eat like that with the others. I already look like I'm 3 months pregnant and I can't even suck it in. All those old questions are starting again though, is it a girl, is it a boy? is he/she going to be healthy like my other ones?
Well if anyone is still here that remembers me let me know :-D
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Name: lacirrom | Date: Oct 3rd, 2008 9:19 PM
well i don't remember you because i've only been coming on here for about a year and a half but welcome back! 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Oct 3rd, 2008 11:29 PM

Name: DaisyUK-US | Date: Oct 4th, 2008 9:11 AM
Oh my Goodness, Ashley!!! I can't believe you're preggers again, congrats!!!! Hopefully, you will remember me, used to come on as DaisyUSA but changed it when we moved to the UK.

I can't believe Emma is 2. Hard to think back to how long ago that was. It was always so great talking with you and having the hope of pregnancy after a loss.

Well, you won't believe it, but we are finally expecting a baby. I'm due in just over 7 weeks. We've been told it's a girl but not set on it yet as I'm so used to boys. We're ready for her. It took nearly 18 months after our loss to get pregnant with her and we're so excited. This will be our last baby. We're naming her Gabriella which means woman of God.

So you're due end of March or beginning of April? What is your due date. The boards here just aren't the same as they used to be. I don't visit much but there are some of our long term members here but rarely see any new members. Think it's down to all the ads and the sneaky way they do it now that keeps people away. Ashame because it was such a nice forum.

Any, congrats again! 

Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Oct 4th, 2008 1:22 PM
Not sure I remember you. Had been known as Briseis prior ... Only joined January 07.

Congrats on your latest pregnancy!

I'm Gill and I have a 1 year old called Joey 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Oct 4th, 2008 4:30 PM
Hi Daisy of course I remember you! how could I forget :-) I'm so happy to hear that you have a little one on the way not to mention the fact it's a girl. So how is the UK treating you? I bet it's so different than living here. Are you excited or what? A little girl is so much different than a little boy. I had my first little boy on Oct 28th last year and it is so different for me. I call him my Lil Man LOL he's just so cute and him and Emma look like they could be twins. I just took my test 2 days ago and I took it 4 days early and it still turned positive, I think all I had to do was touch the stick haha. So now I have another little one on the way and I think I'm going to wait until the baby is born to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl. My husband says he will give me until 6 months before I start freaking out and wondering if it's a boy or a girl. I figured I already have one of each so all that matters is that I have a healthy baby. I think the name you picked out is beautiful. If I have another girl I'm going to name her Kaitlyn after my friend that passed away on Sept 15th in a plane crash in Russia. She was like a sister to me and she passed away when I conceived so to me it feels like she is coming back. I think it's another girl but you never know I could be wrong. The name is Irish to which fits in with my other little one's and it means pure,beautiful,little darling. Wow I'm so glad you're still here, let me know whats going on.

I don't remember you but hello it's nice to meet you. I will be on here like always until my little one is born also. I will not be due until June 17th but I think I will have my little one earlier than that because all my kids come before the due date. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 4th, 2008 8:09 PM
I Think I remember you, you name sounds familiar! I remember Emma.How exciting!! And if he/she is a girl The name Kaitlyn is very nice!!

Ive been coming here since I was pregnant with my Son Tyler in 2006, Now he is 16 Months old and a Terror, Im not pregnant but I thought i was, I jsut got my period last week, it was almost a month late!! Just too much stress I guess. I dont know if your remember but my husband was in the service and got deployed right after i got pregnant, so I had to do it alone the whole time till Tyler was 5 mo. Now once again my husband has left again back to Afghanistan and wont be home till July 2009, so tyler will be about 26 Months old, so I'm doing it along again.

I still come on this site on a daily basis as if i was pregnant LOL but most of us are really close! 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Oct 5th, 2008 4:32 AM
Wow where does time go? I know what you mean by Tyler being a terror, Emma is a force to be reckon with. My Laelah wasn't like she is at all! She is completely different and SO STUBBORN. She makes me laugh alot though because she reminds me of me. She has the curliest red hair and I lucked out with her as well as all my kids she has the prettiest blue eyes. It's funny because my husband has brown eyes and I have hazel but we both have irish in us an my husbands dad had bright blue eyes and blonde hair and my mom had green eyes and I of course had the red hair so the light gene is very prominent.
I couldn't imagine my husband being oversea's it must be tough sometimes, espically for them. They go away and come back and the baby has gotten so much bigger and is doing different things than when you left. I can't believe you were a month late, that must have been driving you crazy. I know you probably took a pregnancy test and it was saying - that would have drove me bonkers. Well I got my little rugrats to sleep about an hour ago so I'm gonna relax for a little bit. I am just so much more tired w/this pregnancy than with the others. It's probably because I'm chasing after a 2 year old and an 11 month old.
It's so good to hear from you guys, it's nice to have old friends that knew about your last pregnancies. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Oct 6th, 2008 3:04 AM
Hey Ashely it's great to hear from you again. Congrats on expecting again! I hope you remember me. I had Gabriella while you were still on here before. She just turned two last week. Since you've been gone I had a little boy also. Declan Patrick was born Aug. 28, so he's just over 5 weeks old now. I don't get on here super often, but I try to check in on everyone whenever I can. You must be busy with 3 little ones. How are they all doing? Take care 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Oct 6th, 2008 4:11 AM
Hey Lindsay!! yeah I remember you, yeah Emma just turned 2 on Sept 13th and my Lil Man will be 1 on the 28th. Laelah is doing good she turned 6 on May 21st. So I am definatly busy and now I will be even busier. I have a feeling this one is going to be a girl as well, it's just a guy feeling you know but I could be wrong. I am not due until June 16th so I am only 4 weeks but I know it will go fast!
I bet having 2 little ones yourself now is keeping you very busy. So now you have a girl and a boy :-D Congrats on your new baby! 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Oct 7th, 2008 12:29 AM
Where are all my buddies at??? :-( 

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