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Name: jillw
[ Original Post ]
Kendra is a nut!! I keep saying "mama" to her in hope on one day hearing it repeated, so today she was laying on my belly and I was saying it in her neck and making her laugh like crazy. In return she would try to eat my face. Well after a few min of that we were still laying there and I would wisper "mama" and she would turn and do the "pit bull shake" to my cheeks LOL she did it every time even for like 45 min. Babies crack me up! Now my shirt is soaking wet from her slobber.

BTW when the hell do kids usually talk?? It has been so long and Jeremiah was so ahead on everything that I have no idea when to expect to hear it. I mean she has said some stuff on accident or made sounds that sound like words like hi and nana, but never with any consistancy so I don't count them as "words"
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Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 2nd, 2007 5:30 AM
i dono braden does the words on accident thing. he says hey, hi, yeh, mamaaaa its weird. i know he has no idea. 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 2nd, 2007 12:45 PM
so when do we actually count it as a first word?? Like last night for about 10 min she was just yelling "nana nana nana nana....." a million times. My kids call my real mother nana and she baby sits kendra when I am at school if gary has to work. She spends the whole day talking about her self in 3rd person to try and get kendra to say nana.
I still don't think she has a clue what she is saying, so is it still a word?? 

Name: Randi | Date: Oct 2nd, 2007 2:17 PM
I think it counts as a word when they actually make the connection. Kaden says maam (LOL) as soon as I leave the room and he is looking for me. He also says it when Tyler is holding him... he puts out his arms and wants me. He is 9.5 months and he just started actually saying it about 3 weeks ago. He also says NO. When he was teething and I would try and give him something for it, he would turn his head and yell NO. It's things like that that made me realize he actually has made a connection and it's not just sounds. 

Name: Double_K | Date: Oct 2nd, 2007 7:00 PM
Kaden's called for me for over a month now---same with Randi's guy, if I leave the room, or he just wants me, or at night. He also says "Ba"--which we connect as his bottle, he only really says it when he is hungry--not a total word, but its letting us know what he wants. :)
Granny swares he says Nana to her---but I haven't seen that yet.
And he use to say Dada, but he hasn't in a long time. 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 3rd, 2007 5:22 PM
well now I am starting to wonder because gary took her to my moms today and she got really excited and started saying "nana nana nana" and was all squirmey until my mom picked her up LOL I am sure that she doesn;t know that my mom is "nana" but maybe since she says that word all the time she just associates "nana" with being at my moms house or something. Either way I still refuse to count it as her first word!! in fact I have decided not to count ANYTHING as a word until I hear mama and then that can be her first words LOL 

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