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Name: KarenM
[ Original Post ]
For those of you with experience with younger ones, when do they stop napping? Is there a general time, or does it depend on the child? Thanks!
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Name: 04nidak | Date: Apr 6th, 2008 3:36 AM
My son just turned 4 and around age 3 he would still nap, but not everyday, some days he would just lay there and rest. Now I just make him lay down for "resting time" even if he doesn't sleep I figure resting is still good for him. :-) 

Name: nicole76108 | Date: Apr 6th, 2008 6:33 AM
My son is 3 1/2 and he only takes naps on days that he is real active. Outside playing, park trips, families houses etc. But other then that if we are just at the house chillin hanging out together he doesnt take one.
I used to watch my sister force my Niece and Nephew to sleep and I promised I would never do that to my kid. If my son is tired he will go get a pillow and blanket and lay down on the couch or curl up in my lap and fall asleep. :) Im gonna miss those when he is a "big kid" 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Apr 6th, 2008 8:45 PM
my girls are almost 3 and 4 and they are like nicole's son and only nap when they are tired and either they say they are tired or if they are really whiney i make them rest. they gave up schedualed naps around 2 

Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 7th, 2008 12:41 PM
I make mine nap for at least 1 hr per day until they start svhool, on the weekends when the older ones don't have school and the younger ones have nap time....we kinda shut the house down for a bit and the older ones can watch a dvd in their room or read books, or play a game quietly. But anyway, theres no set time if you feel your child functions better with a nap then give him one 

Name: Double_K | Date: Apr 7th, 2008 1:23 PM
I made my daughter nap until she started school too...she was a BEAR if she didn't have one! Actually the Kindegarten here does nap time for the first semester.... 

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