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Name: zoey9810
[ Original Post ]
A few weeks ago chris and i were having sex in the shower and we were doing it doggy style, and i had an extreme sharp pain and it didnt go away, and i felt bad making him stop so i went along with it and changed my position so that it hurt less.. any who that was it. ive only felt this pain one other time durring DS and its only when we are some what vertical, and not on all fours LOL.. the first time it happened i didnt think any thing of it. but now i am.... I got my period like 2 weekends ago and this past week i was bleeding out of no where, but it was like old blood. and then today we had an after noon romp in the sheets and about 20 min after we were done, i started getting the pains again, and now its 11:30 at night at i started getting them at like 5ish, They hurt so bad and it hurts to stand up and if i push down on the sides of my lower abs it hurts like hell!!! i tried to take a nap but i couldnt because its so painful! so now i guess i need to call my Dr. and hope they can get me in.

ohh and my mom told me she used to get them all the time but never had any surgery on them at all.
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Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Apr 2nd, 2008 9:42 AM
IF anyone else can answer this question that would be GOOD.. Because i too have the same problem with some positions of sex.. i dunno why?? BUT DAMN WELL HURTS !! It feels like they are putting there penis too far in?? 

Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 2nd, 2008 1:28 PM
I have had soke ovarian cyst, some are normal and most women get them when thy start become painful is usually when they get bigger. I get that same pain doggy style, and even sometimes withother pos. it sends pains down your legs and your inner thighs and hurts your pevic and hip area. Anyhow I would def. talk to your dr bevause when they burst sometimes you need meds to control bleeding (i had that prob) and also sometimes you may have o get them removed. But as far as ds goes i found that if chris my husband starts out hunched over me, and then gradually is up straight, it's alot better. Good luck 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Apr 2nd, 2008 1:28 PM
could be that rosey, depending on where the pains are. i get them but its bc of the position if hes hitting the walls too hard or deep you have to figure certain positions allow for him to go farther than a normal position would.. he could also be slamming into your cervix which can cause bruising and pain afterwards. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Apr 4th, 2008 12:27 AM
Well thanks for your imput ladies, im gonna call the dr tomorrow, im still getting those pains again. and on top of it i have a cold so im sore all around! it sucks! im glad that i asked for every one else 

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