Hello, guest
Name: Tia
[ Original Post ]
Then call her Kristin Leah.

Once you mentioned the Lee, and Leanna I recall seeing that in your journal I believe. I really believe you should go with Kristin Leah Franklin. It has such a beautiful ring!

My baby has had her name since I was about eight weeks or less.

You should get used to calling your baby Kristin Leah right now :)

I still can't respond to the other two threads, so I had to make this one.
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Name: Christina | Date: Mar 11th, 2006 7:20 AM
Thanks but I don't really want to name her directly after me, and it's so common, plus my moms middle name is Lee and she said she always hated that name, that's why she choose Leanne for me cause she thought it was femine and pretty. But I do appreciate your opinion and you can keep throwing any ideas out that you want. I'm sure sooner or later somethings got to fit right = ) 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Mar 11th, 2006 8:54 AM
Charlotte means feminine, that is why my daughter is over-due... she is fashionably late! 

Name: Tia | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 2:12 AM
I didn't suggest Lee Christina, but LEAH (pronounced LEE-UH) which is biblical, and I can come back with a definition if you'd like. Also, my mother's siblings used to call her Lee, and she "supposedly" didn't like it (so my sister says), but I never heard her tell anyone not to call her that. Anyway, my mother died thirteen years ago, and in honor of her I have named my baby ___lee. There are three letters that come before the lee part, but I can only say it in private. I don't want the other members stealing my daughter's name.

Also, Kristin is beautiful, and wouldn't be directly named after you since your name is Christina. Two totally different names.

Ok, how about Kyra or Carli? I will think of some "L" names (for middle names) and come back with something nice.

Have a great night. 

Name: Christina | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 6:58 AM
Uh, I wasn't pronouncing Leah right. I do like it. I'm thinking I kind of like the name Avrielle. I told my bf and need to keep mentioning it to him to see if it sticks, but like I've told everyone else, I appreciate all inputs! Thanks so much for being helpful! 

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