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Name: heather
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i cant stop thinking about it. i met this girl not even a week ago and since then we clicked right away and shes a really sweet girl. shes 27 and im 18. i know the age is kind of off but you wouldnt think she was that age. anyways, she has a daughter names neya and shes 7. while hanging out with her, my fiance also hangs out with her fiance. well, last night her fiance choked her in the house while we wer outside. i walked inside and she was crying. i just talked to her thinking that maybe she was one of them girls that made things sound worse than they were. but later that night after we had taken her fiance back to his house we came back for her. when she walked out side you could see bruises on her arms and one around her neck..the one on her neck also had a cut, i guess from her necklace. we went back to my place, her fiance included, and when we got out of the car he pushed her against it. and so she took neya and walked away. he ran after fixing to hit her and my fiance grabbed him. my fiance doesnt believe in that. but he does it infront of her little girl and i dont think he should be doing it period. i really like her, like i said shes a really sweet person and she has her life together but what can i do that will make her feel safer? i tryed to jump in the middle of them last night but im pregnant...its hard to keep him away from her...theyre talking about a child but i dont think they should have one together because if he continues to beat her, she'll never get away from him. and last night she wasnt nagging it on...i was there. our fiances were smoking which they never do and i just rolled my eyes but she told him that she had ashma and didnt like it.HELP!!!
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Name: Rachel | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 2:56 PM
Heather if i were in your position i would report this to the correct autorties. DON' T JUST LET IT GO THINKING IT WILL GET BETTER. 

Name: Sammy | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 3:25 PM
This sucks that shes going through this. Have you asked her what she thinks of him. Does she plan on leaving him? I hope so, because people like him never change. The violence only gets worse and it's bad on the seven year old. Hope you countiue being there because she needs you, just be careful. 

Name: heather | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 6:41 PM
rachel, she calls the cops on him all the time, but people always get out and come back. thank you sammy, i really wanna be there for her because she doesnt have any friends or family on this side of the metorplex. me and my fiance have told her that we have an extra room but i dont know. i dont think that she plans on leaving him. i asked her why she was with him and she said everybody asks her that. she said that it only happens when he drinks a little but i know she cant take it anymore 

Name: Rachel | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 6:48 PM
Hey Heather that's just so sad that she's in that posistion. I've met other women in your position and they just are scared to leave. They also seem to think they don't deserve any better and the opposite is quite true. Your a great friend and person for being their for her. Keep it up and keep us informed here. 

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