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Name: heather
[ Original Post ]
hey girls. i am about to be 4 months and i was just wondering if yall have strange dreams that are sometimes frightening. my first trimester i dreamed alot about my ex from high school and now im dreaming that my boyfriend is being very hateful and mean towards me and that he wants to do drugs. My boyfriend is the kind of guy that loves to be around his friends and even though his friends do things that arent appropriate, he doesnt. i get mad because he likes to hang around people like that but he sees nothing wrong with it because he's not doing it. that might have been where the dreams about the drugs come in, but should i lay off or is this just another pregnancy dream?
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Name: Megan | Date: Aug 30th, 2005 7:48 AM
hey girl, i have the strangest dreams too. sometimes i wake up either pissed off at the world or just plain embarrassed. I think its probably another prego dream but i dunno i tend to look into my dreams also. congrats on the pregnancy, and good luck they get so much worse. 

Name: Sara | Date: Aug 30th, 2005 9:03 AM
My dreams are plan scarey at times but my advice would be (and I know its hard) just to remember they are dreams, they did not actually happen.

The body and mind are going through massive changes, some that we have not experienced before and it's a bewildering sence at times that plays games with our imagination and emotions.

You are most probably just preparing yourself for the responsibility and the dreams about your boyfreind doing things irresponsible is something that you have no control over. Try and relax honey :) 

Name: texas chic | Date: Aug 30th, 2005 8:44 PM
dreams can be a real havoc, especially when you are pregnant! for me I know that are our insecurities hiding places and there's nothing you can do about them other than chilling getting over them...i dream about my husband leaving me for his girlfriends of the past or having sex w/someone else who's not pregnant...you have to love these pregnancy hormones! it's bad enough we are women and then to compound it! have fun with those dreams and share them w/your significant other, it helps me clearing my mind. good luck to you... 

Name: heather | Date: Aug 31st, 2005 4:16 PM
lol...texas chic..how am i supossed to "enjoy" these dreams when they scare the hell out of me..lol? i mean, my boyfriend doesnt go ANYWHERE without asking me to go and he goes to work and comes straight home. i trust him with everything because hes such a wonderful guy. he tells me im beautiful soo many times a day and i love it. but when i dream about him cheating or with another girl and doing drugs and being hateful, theres not really much to enjoy. 

Name: Rachel | Date: Aug 31st, 2005 4:34 PM
Hey hun, just wanted to share with you my first month, i had a lot of strange dreams as well. But luckily for me they have gone away for the
most part but i have one every now and then. 

Name: Tonita | Date: Aug 31st, 2005 7:35 PM
hi girls i have an msn group called the pregnancy club if you would like to join my group that would be great you can e-mail me at [email protected] you do have to be an msn member or have a hotmail e-mail addy to join but dont worry Hotmail is free and heres the link to get your free hotmail e-mail addy ok http://www.imagine-msn.com/hot
copy and paste the link ok.. My group is for pregnant women of all ages its a place were you can meet other pregnant women and talk to them just like this Forum but your in a group there will be plenty of women to chat with about your progress and your due date even add photos of yourself as you grow bigger it also has plenty of info on pregnancy about all pregnancy questions if you would like to join dont forget to e-mail me ok thank you so much it would be great to see everyone there and i hope you all join.. Tonita xx 

Name: texas chic | Date: Aug 31st, 2005 7:40 PM
sorry, didn't mean "enjoy"...it's really more like suffering, huh? sounds like you have a great guy by your side...all I can say is let the dreams go, I find talking about them helps me not harbor hard feelings towards my honey...he loves me totally and I know it, but pregnancy has a way of making us think twice! try relaxing before you go to bed, it may help you not dream so much... 

Name: heather | Date: Sep 16th, 2005 5:28 PM
hey ladies...i had a dream this morning that i saw my baby. HE was beautiful...i dont even know what the sex of the baby is yet. but i cant get that dream out of my mind and i smile every time i think about it. he had a ful set of hair, almond shaped eyes like his father but big brown eyes like me...and then he had his fathers nose, which i dont exactly like..lol, but his was so cute and it fit him perfectly...anyone ever had these kind of dreams? 

Name: Rachel | Date: Sep 16th, 2005 5:37 PM
Hey Heather what a great dream you had. I've had a couple like that myself, but i didn't see my baby as clearly. My dreams deal more with the labor side of things. It's kinda scary actually. 

Name: rachel | Date: Sep 16th, 2005 9:29 PM
i had a few dreams about me holding my baby but i never got to see it and this one i did. it was so precious and im 18 weeks, so i know your pretty close to me. 

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