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Name: Halle
[ Original Post ]
I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second and I'm so worried about swelling already. With my first pregnancy I got so swollen you could push your finger into my ankles and it would stay dented in for awhile. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to prevent swelling or is it a given that I will have that problem again?
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Name: Jenni | Date: Sep 21st, 2005 5:38 PM
SInce you have already had a baby, you might already know....
But my doc always told me to stay away from the salty foods. Salt helps retain water. Also, what worked for me when my feet were swollen, Sit on the couch, and set a couple pillows on the coffee table to have your feet up on, and put a cold wet washcloth or towel, or even a bay of ivce on your feet, and the swelling goes down ALOT! I only swelled in the summer though....and of course I have 3 baby's in the summer! LOL....But also, my grandma says that when her feet get swollen, she just sits in a chair or whatever and puts her feet in a big bowl of cold water.

Hope I helped some! 

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