I have a class project and am in need of some help. I'm currently enrolled in an education for exceptional children class and know nobody that has a child of school level with a disability that has an IEP (individualized education program.) All that I need is some answers filled out as best as possible and would greatly appreciate any help seeing as how it is 50 points in my class. I forgot to mention that this will be completely confidential as far as your name, the child's name, and any other detail not pertaining to the answers. Thank you in advance!
1. What exceptionalitity does this child experience?
2. What age was the child when he began to receive services?
3. Who identified the learning difference? Were you aware of a learning difference before the child was officially identified?
4.What services does the child receive in and out of the school setting?
5. Are you satisfied with the services the child receives?
6. What struggles do you encounter as a parent of a child with exceptionalities?
7. Are you in contact with other parents who may have children with learning differences?
8. Are you involved with the school in planning for your child's success at school?
9. Are you satisfied with the communication you receive from teachers and the school about your child's education?
10. What are some recommendations you may have for future teachers who will encounter children with exceptionalities? ↓