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Name: lil miss giv
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I'm 15 yrs old i was 3months pregnant and when i missed my period i told my mum straight away but we did test and they was negitive a month later i still didn cum on did another test and it was positve and my mum told my dad and he said that i either have an abortion or move out but i had no where to go i dumped the dad because he was just an ass whole and i was all alone so at 3months exacly i had the abortion and i hav cryed eva since at has nearly been two weeks and i want more than any thing to hear the words the abortion didn work your baby is still alive but the chances of that happening are so small i dont think i can keep living with out my baby i need it back soo bad it would have been the only good thing in my life i want to die so i can be with it it's all i think about all day is killing my self or wishful thinking that its still there in side of me my little baby my own flesh and blood what can i do please help me
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Name: tattudemom | Date: Jun 1st, 2007 2:42 PM
First of all, you need to tell your mom what you're feeling. Don't say it in a blaming fashion because what's done is done. I understand you might feel much anger and resentment towards your folks for "making" you have an abortion. However, you were old enough to have sex and smart enough to know the pregnancy risk. Please don't take that as criticism. I mean it matter of factly in that you can't now blame your parents for what originated with your decision to have sex.

That said, I'm sorry you're going through such awful regret and that you had to go through any of this. Please be honest with your mom and ask her for some counseling. Your medical insurance should pay for mental health treatment. Also, there are support groups for those who are post abortion.



Name: tattudemom | Date: Jun 1st, 2007 2:44 PM
This site breaks up a link, so you'll need to copy and paste it into a word program and adjust accordingly before pasting it into the address bar. 

Name: briseis | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 9:56 PM
I think the reason you feel such sadness is because I don't believe you ever wanted to have an abortion in the first place; you were forced into it by the ultimatum your father gave you. Noone should ever have an abortion unless they personally don't want the baby.

That said, noone should have unprotected sex unless they intend on creating and supporting a new life.

Whilst I can understand the reasoning behind your father's ultimatum (thinking about what's best for your future, your education, your prospects, and indeed what is best for his family; he did not want a baby in his house. He'd have to support it financially, and that isn't fair on him), I believe your father was wrong in forcing you to make such a horrible decision, but what's done is done now. I think you need to talk about it with others in your position, to try to continue with your life and perhaps learn from the situation as best you can. If you don't feel you can speak with your parents, go to your doctor, tell him/her of your situation, and she will refer you to a support group in your area ... 

Name: scattykat | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 11:03 PM
hello, dont do nothing silly , did your mum and dad not say to you its up to you what you do but you have to deal with it something in them lines? you will feel like this for a bit but you will come stronger my friend done it she was like you 15 but at the time she was young and it was the best thing for her now she is 21 and has a little boy.and still said now she thinks she done the right thing.but felt like you after for ages everything will work out. you might feel different but later on you will get another chance to have a baby . take care hope this help you a bit. x 

Name: im the same | Date: Jun 16th, 2007 11:46 PM
i kno how you feel.. im almost 18 and i got pregnant and i didnt want an abortion and my mum and dad said the same fing.. if i have this baby i got to get out.. and have nothing to do with them. i had an abortion a week ago and im very depressed.. i dont no what im going to do eiatha.. but i wont ever forgive my mum and dad for makein me do it.. just lettin u no. ur not the only one.. and im 1 month away from being 18.. and they still pressured me.... we just gota be strong 

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