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Name: bundy_mum
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HI, i have posted on here alot and you are probably getting sick of me, but it is interesting to here other young mums and older mum ideas on things. Well my daughter is 22 months and me and her father broke up about a month ago since then its all gone down hill i dont know if its because of our breakup she is being like this or what so feel free to give me suggestions. She is starting to not wanting to sleep during the day and it is an effort just to get her to sleep, but if she doesnt sleep she is so grumpy and also i need a sleep cause i am 30 weeks pregnant on my own. Also she wont sleep in her own bed at all, if i put her in her bed she just wont stop screaming, so i put her in my bed to go to sleep, then i will put her in her own bed, but she still wakes up in themiddle ofthe night screaming and comes and hopes in my bed anyway. How can i stop this? maybe she knows that the baby will be here soon taking up all my time. please give me advice anyone. when she is in my bed i get stuff all sleep cause she hogs the bed
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Name: mel211985 | Date: May 4th, 2007 10:29 PM
my daughter is 4 nearly 5 and she still crawls into my bed of a night. After her dad left i got with a new bloke who basically raised her and she doted on him, after 2 yrs he left as well and my daughter got incredibly unsettled, stopped napping, tantrums that at times were unbearable and stopped sleeping in her own room. After a while she settled down but getting her to back into her own room was still a struggle, she would cling to me and was obviously scared that i would leave, your daughter probably feels the same. Its confusing for them when someone they are attached to leaves. I understand how hard it is i had a difficult pregnancy with my second child the only advice i can give is persevere, when your baby kicks let your daughter feel and explain to her that as a big sister she needs to be grown up to help mummy with the new baby. Try things like letting her help handle the baby clothes. I know that my daughter was older but silly things like that which gets her involved with the baby helps to understand hat she is a big sister and she needs to act like a big girl. 

Name: mel211985 | Date: May 4th, 2007 10:30 PM
Mizzbrandiss idea bout the doll might work as well my daughter has got a doll and a pram some toy bottles, nappies and dolls clothes, when i was feeding, changing or bathing the baby she would get her doll and copy me. 

Name: dmt | Date: May 4th, 2007 10:43 PM
When she cries at night give her a botttle and just say night night mommy loves you and go lay back down in your bed. She will cry the first couple of times but, she will get into the routine of it or give her a pacifier or her special blanky. Whatever she likes to sleep with. Don't take her to bed with you. if you put her in your bed when she cries she will learn that if she cries she gets to sleep with mommy. Some if it might be that you and your boyfriend broke up. Most of it though is she knows she can get you to put her in your bed. Babies start testing you with that about this age. If you let her sleep with you she might still be there when she is seven. It is great to hear that you decided to keep the baby. What are you having. Anyway I wish you the best of luck. 

Name: bundy_mum | Date: May 5th, 2007 6:27 AM
thanksfor all your help you all helped me
i will see how i go. i dont know what i am having 

Name: maries mommy | Date: May 10th, 2007 10:21 PM
ok im going through the same thing with my daughter ok its not really because of the break up she knows there is a baby in ur stomach and she wants to be near ok what i did is put her toddler bed in my room had it so he can see me when i was in my bed then i would lay by her when she went to sleep then she would sleep in her own bed because she saw me and saw i was ok so she was better try that maybe it will work for u 

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