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Name: NoahsMama06
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Last night was just awful.. well actually the whole last week has been awful for sleep. Noah's been waking up again, Brian snores, and my belly has really been hurting and keeping me up. Well last night Noah slept through the night again YAY, but Brian snored and talked in his sleep all night long. Then his alarms (he sets 2) went off at 4:30 this morning (he was going in an hour early)and he jumps out of bed and fiddles with them but doesn't turn them off so I try to reach them and to turn them off and he picks them up and holds them away from me. Finally he turns them off and next thing I hear is Noah crying.. the alarms going off for about 10 minutes woke him up. Ohhhhh I was not happy. I didn't sleep all night and now I had to get up at 4:30 because Noah wasn't going to go back to sleep. When I told Brian he kept me up all night again snoring and that it's time he looks into a sleep clinic or seeing a Dr or something he tells me that it's my own fault if his snoring kept me up because he warned me before bed that he would probably snore. HUH???? And it also isn't his fault Noah is up because he just couldn't figure out the alarm this morning. WHAT????? So Noah is still in his bed crying.. he's just kinda whinning not screaming and not really crying crying, he just wants out of his room so Brian asks me what I'm going to do with Noah. I say well since he's not really crying just whining I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal before I get him out of his room because I have to eat or I get sick in the morning and if Noah is up he eats half of my cereal and I just wanted a few minutes to eat alone. So he says fine and goes in Noah's room and gets him up and brings him out to the kitchen and says "I guess I will just have to stay home another hour to take care of him since you aren't." Ohhhh I was so mad and probably said something I shouldn't have. I told Brian that while he was at work today he should figure out if his problem this morning is because I'm a bad mother because I didn't go grab Noah soon enough for him or if I'm a bad wife because I'm upest that my husband is keeping me up all night snoring and refusing to get help for it and then for him to let me know when he comes home so I can take the appropriate actions to make him happy. You can imagine the tone of voice that was used. I took Noah... gave up on eating... and went back to Noah's room with him. Before he left for work Brian came in Noah's room and tried to apologize but I was in no mood to hear it and I'm not sure what I'm trying to get out of this post, just trying to let off steam I guess. If you made it this far thanks for listening LOL
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Name: bmes | Date: Sep 6th, 2007 5:19 PM
oh man!!! i hear ya!!! lol....my hubby snored alot too, and REALLY loud....and he always falls asleep before I do, so it would keep me up all the time. Try this: put a lock on the bedroom door and tell him he has to sleep on the couch until he gets his snoring checked out. and if he wakes up Noah at an ungodly hour because of HIS damn alarm clock, just stay in bed and sleep and let him deal with his son. Sometimes my hubby wakes up Anika with his alarm clock or some other ruckus he's causing, so i just say "no way man!! you deal with it!!! i've been up all night with Lex, and if I don't get a little more sleep, i'll be the wife from hell when you get home from work tonight!!!" and he just shuts up, grabs Anika and goes downstairs....ha ha ha.....

yep, Lex had a bad night last night too....i fed him at 11pm, then he woke up at 1am, didn't go back to sleep until 2am, and then up again at 5am.....when he woke up at 5am it also woke up Anika....so this morning wasn't hubby's fault, so we both got up and helped eachother out....yep, but if it's all hubby's doing "give er sh*t buddy, cause I ain't gettin' up yet!!!" lol.... 

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