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Name: E
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19 people were accused of trying to blow up flights from UK to USA. Another example of terrorism being a method of fight, not a nation (definitely not Irag). Nothing and nobody will be safe until Middle East problems are mediated rather than fought.
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Name: E | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 2:13 PM
Layne, I don't think this is the end of the world (this or Israel). Wars were fought all throughout the human history, the fact that we have more powerful missiles just makes it bloodier. I think the survival instinct always kicks in in the bloodiest of fights, and all calms down eventually. This too shall pass. 

Name: momof3 | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 2:32 PM
My husband and I were talking about this last night. We had just watched WAR OF THE WORLDS and he said that it freaked him out that that might happen, and I look at him and said "I'm alittle bit more freaked out about the fact that they just stopped planes coming here to blow up or crash into something. Well he started saying that people are saying that this is the begining of world war 3. That scares the crap out of me. That really sucks, and scares me for my kids. I never thought that I would be alive to see a war fought on American soil, and I think that it will come to that. I get scared because we live about 60 minutes from Cgicago, but what scares me is that we have 3 nuclear power plants in our surronding towns, now the reactors are suppose to be able to handle a bomb hitting them or a plane crash but they were built so long ago. In my town we have a couple of chemical plants. It is really freakin scary!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: E | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 2:40 PM
Frankly, I expected more exodus from big cities after 9/11. I thought there will be a wave of movement to the forest/mountains/ remote places. But I guess some professions can't be telecommuted. 

Name: koz | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 3:02 PM
where do you live momof3??? I'm about an hour away from chicago,too!! 

Name: Sharla | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 3:02 PM
Its freaky coz with this war we dont know who our enemy is. They were British, born and bred, if they were foreigners, it'd be a lot easier. I'm staying in London, Im not letting those bastards control my life. I don't plan on moving anywhere, if we all start panicing and running away it means they win. Its that simple, we have to now stand up to what we believe in, get rid of Bush and Blair, and finish this war and terrorist attacks for good! We survived and won WW1 and WW2 and all the others we fought!! We're British, when it comes to War, winning is in our blood. 

Name: E | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 3:13 PM
that's very patriotic of you, Sharla, wow. Who are you going to fight now, though? It's very shapeless and evasive and is bred in your midst. As one of methods of countering them, I thought, the population could have been dispersing. They wouldn't have a big easy conglomerate targets then to scare prople easily. The other tactics would be intelligence, like now they did - prevented the bombings BEFORE they could be carried on. 

Name: koz | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 3:18 PM
how did they catch the explosives before they got on board?? My power was out a lot yesterday cuz of thunderstorms so I missed a lot of details 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 5:04 PM
you just knew Id be concerned about the middle East . E your sweet to put my mind at ease. Actually I have been staying away from cnn. I just try and live my life to the best of my abuility.(sp). We are getting involved in a new church witch is helping. I think I wa more concerned about my own faith thinking I might be left behind, so to speak.
But I was thinking the same thing about the terrorism. why are we in Irac spending all our time lives and money. When alls we needed to do is put all our resorces in homeland security. We are playing right into ole Bin Laudens hands. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 6:44 PM
Supposedly it's written somewhere that man will destroy earth this round and so far it looks like it's happening that way. 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 7:18 PM
i dont think it looks like it is happening at all. I see boys fighting like they always have since the begining of time. I see a group of people who have been at war for so long, they know no other way to live life. 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 7:26 PM
I think thats true rain...That they are fighting the same battle. one differance america is in the middle now. I think alot of people are worried because alot of signs in revelations is revealing its self. Thats a fundlementalist point a view. As for the catholis view they say its hog wash. Now tha muslums (sp) say its coming too. at least thats what I heard about them on the news. Didnt look into that one myself. 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 11th, 2006 7:26 PM
my typing and spelling stinks today!! 

Name: Help. | Date: Aug 12th, 2006 5:33 AM
O.K. You guys aren't going to like what I have to say but here it goes... Do you ever stop and think "Why" these terroists are targeting the western world? Could it be that Americans stick there fingers in all the pies? Bin Laden and his followers believe that the American Government have currupted the Saudi Royal Family. Meaning they have become political guarantors insuring Islamic fundamentalism will be kept quiet in Saudi Arabia. Now I don't like any religeous fundimentalism. I find it restricting to anyones basic human rights. Don't you find it a bit hypicritical that Americans won't allow this behavior in other countries but allow it to go on in their own back yard. I'm refuring to the hard right cristians. The American government right now are backing a "so called" country, and have done so since Presidant Nixon began to see the political importance in an alliance with Israel. I find that the zionist isralites are no better than Bin Ladens terroists. They have come in and taken what is not there's.... Life, Land and the freedom of the Palistine people. Something that the American Government supports. So ask yourself why americans are being picked on. Get to know the real issues. Try to listen and understand differant points of veiws. When you get the whole picture "terror" becomes "understanding" and that's when things will start to get better. Before you say I'm justifying terrorism, I'm not. I'm just saying there's a reason for everything. Not everones views are the same as the western worldand we are not totally faultless. Ahhhh be gentle with me. I can hear you all yelling at me right now. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 12th, 2006 5:41 AM
It was actually 22 people. They believe it was a total of 50 people who where involved in this plan including one of the pilots. My husband told actually emailed me inregards to the new airline restrictions that stated that no liquid carryons (toothpaste, hair gel, shampoo, etc) would be allowed. At first I was like okay they are just taking this home security thing way to far. So I search online to see if I could find out why and came across the article on this. Apparently what they did was used contact solution container and filled them with high explosive liquids that they were going to use to blow up the plane. Lucky the athorities got their before they got on to the plane. There are alot of people alive today that probably thinking that their angel was looking over them that day. I know I would be. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 12th, 2006 5:55 AM

This is what makes America great. Freedom to say what you believe or feel. There has been many many times I have asked myself why are we over there? Why are we not taking care of our own people? But when 9/11 happened I believed we should be their. The moment that we were attacked on our soil I believed we had no choice to go over their to let them know that we will not stand back and allow this to happen again. At the same time I am wondering if we are indeed learning anything for continuely going over their. It just seem that we continue to go their trying to fight for the same thing only to repeat it months or even years later. Are we not suppose to learn from our mistakes and if so why aren't we. At this time I do believe that we should still be over their. We went over their and blew up the place so it's our responsibilty to help them build it back up. You don't walk into someone house, break something of value and not pay to replace it. At this time I don't even know if we are doing this.

Maybe someday someone will think about us. Will take care of the the situation that we are dealing with at home. Then again maybe not. 

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