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Name: cheryl
[ Original Post ]
. My daughter did great when we first started in the summer, then went to peschool and regressed. well we ae startig back up again and have been for the last month. she did so good at first, I told her her we were not going to use diapers anymore because she was a big girl. she was so excited to use the potty. we gave her treats for goin stickers and she loved it. did i mention on the first day she wouldn't even wear a pull up to bed. so now hee we are and she is again showing signs of frustration. it's obvious she when she has to go although she refuses. she doesn't watn to stop what she's doing. so now she doesn't want to sit on the potty and doesnt' want to wear diapers. i hate making her go but i have to and when i do she goes. I am gettingso frustrated along with her and i don't have any idea what to do from here, she doesn't want diapers at all. i have tried to lay off and say or ask her to go and she didnt go all day long, she held it. so she's just being really stubborn. anybody have an advice for both, at home, in public, and at school which she goes 3 days a week 2 hours a day? i need it badly!!!!!!!!
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Name: Dawn0027 | Date: Dec 1st, 2008 6:15 AM
Hi cheryl
I am a stay at home mom with three kids. I am not sure what you can do to help your daughter with potty training when she is away from home, but this is what I did with my own daughter when she was little. She was also a stubborn child when it came to potty training time, and I swore that she would never get it right. Finally my Mama told me to take her to the store and let her pick out her very own big girl panties. She picked out a pack of Disney princess panties and as soon as we got home, I let her put a pair on. She was so happy and thrilled with them!

I told her then that she had to use the potty because she was no longer wearing a diaper, and would mess up her pretty new panties if she didn’t. About an hour or so later she peed herself, but this time instead of a diaper catching it and keeping her clean, it ran down her legs and puddled in the floor. I took her to the bathroom and showed her that her Disney princesses were all wet and sad now, and after changing her into a fresh pair, I had her help me mop up the mess.

She had two more accidents, one time pooping in her underwear, and each time I would show her how sad the princesses were, and have her help clean the mess. It took about three days, but she was finally potty trained. This worked for me, and I hope it works for you as well. Good luck!

Name: winnmom | Date: Dec 1st, 2008 7:36 PM
first off, I want you to know that it is normal for children to regresss, when things arise eg new school.........
Just keep at it...........do not go back to diapers..........what ever you do.............in public .....put pantis on with pullup OVER the panties that way she can still feel the wetness.......pullups alone, work too much like a diaper......and yes pulls the wetness away which is no good for training.......so if panties are on first.......she will feel wet......
try NOT to get frustrated, as this too will put stress on the child and will have her regress.........just keep encouraging.........she will get it......in her time. 

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