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Name: taron
[ Original Post ]
at what age is it best to first travel with a newborn baby... when my sister was pregy with her little girl the doctor told her not to travel untill atleast 6weeks... witch i have heard and none of the books say nothing about it.... my boyfriend wants to go to a family do witch is due around the same time our bub is due HELP!!!!!!!!
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Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: May 6th, 2007 2:48 AM
I would say you can take your baby whenever you're comfortable. My parents had me out and traveling by 3 weeks. We're going to my parents for Mother's Day, and my baby will be 4 weeks --- I've already had her out and about around town, and to church at 2 weeks....

Basically, it's whenever you want to take your baby out --- they should be fine 

Name: Dana G | Date: May 10th, 2007 11:28 AM
My hubby and I took our kids with us everywhere, I think I waited the two weeks, mostly for me to feel better, and we have been out and about ever since. 

Name: katie | Date: May 19th, 2008 7:55 PM
i was told a newborn can go on the plane on day 2 if the parent thinks its necessary... some doctors suggest 2 weeks. while others suggest 4 weeks just because of the flu and illnesses that are out there. the doctors just want the lil one to have an immunity. if traveling by car you can go as soon as u leave the hospital. it all depends on how you feel. 

Name: dennis | Date: Dec 23rd, 2008 5:38 AM
the ulimate newborn keepsake
crystal glass foot/hand impressions are a great gift for any couple with a newborn or expectant mother as a baby shower gift ask me about special pricing on this unique gift http://www.lifeimpressionscrystal.com 

Name: Bounty2009 | Date: Mar 24th, 2009 2:41 PM
Some good info about it here hun plus lots of other top tips about newborn care http://my.bounty.com/Blogs/tab

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