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Name: successful
[ Original Post ]
before you answer let me give you a little background! I turned 19 in June and I have a two and a half year old son. I am not in a serious relationship by choice, but my sons father has talked to me about wanting another child with me. I have laghed it off up until this point but truth be told I really really want another baby! my son is getting so big and I will be done with college n about 2 weeks. so I feel I am ready...however keep in mind my sons dad and I are not together and will never again be...we havent even slept together since our son was concieved, and he does not help with money or anything in fact he hardly sees the baby we have. knowing this I dont care, i want a baby and I know i can do it on my own especialy with my degree behind me now. Please help, am I crazy or are these normal feelings?
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Name: robsmom | Date: Aug 12th, 2007 6:57 PM
A lot of people have more than one child at your age and if you really want another for the right reasons it can be wonderful. I do want to say though, that your post makes it sound like you feel that you can handle this situation financially but, since you already have a child you know that it doesn't just take money to raise them. It will mean more of your time and attention while you are trying to get on your feet with a career. That said, I can see why you want your children to be fairly close in age and I personally see no reason why a woman who loves children and wants another one should not do so simply because they don't care to be married. Keep in mind that a good male role model, whether it's a friend or relative would certainly be a plus in your children's lives. Good Luck whatever you decide. 

Name: successful | Date: Aug 12th, 2007 7:05 PM
Thanks I really apreciate it and ya, love and care has never been in short supplly in my house hold i love my son with all my heart, if it were not for him I would not be who i am today and i know I have enough love for two that has never been a question, time is a concern my son spends alot of time with his babysitter( who I have to say is absolutly amazing!!!!) but once i am done with classes that should change. Then he will only be in daycare the usual 40+ a week, lol that is still alot I guess. but i think it is ok, he knows he is loved and we make the best of the time we have together. of cource I would love to be an at home mom but that isnt an option and probably will never be so we make the best of what life has give to us, Each other! 

Name: Allie | Date: Sep 7th, 2007 11:51 PM
I have a baby and not married but we are happy but we both have good jobs and have are house almost paid for. If he is not helping then why would you have one more you know it is hard work. You have a good life going for you(done with college). Find a man that you want to be with that is going to help you and the baby. Get on your feet with your new degree you can't start a new job with a baby. (well it would be alot harder) Love Allie 

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