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Name: Anaca
[ Original Post ]
hey i smoke how do i quit i just can't do it this time like i did the last time i cant stand them any more they feel strong and make me gag some times now that i am ppregnant but i have smoked for years and i just cant do it how can i do it? sorry i havent been here for a wile!
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Name: nora | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 3:40 PM
instead of reaching for a cigarette, chew on a piece of gum or have a piece of hard candy... that usually helps with the cravings.. or do something that you know you can do without smoking... OR take the rest of the cigarettes that you have and smash them... and never buy another pack of cigarettes... if you dont have access to them.. you cant smoke them

Also you might want to consult your doctor for advice... 

Name: Anaca | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 3:45 PM
I have been eating chocolate ( I usually hate chocolate before I got pregnant and now I crave it) like crazy every time I want one it don't work all the time but it is helping, I cant chew gum I have T M J 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 4:08 PM
i am 36 weeks pregnant and i have smoked throughout my entire pregnancy. i did quit 2 months into the pregnancy and i started to bleed. i started up again, and there hasnt been any other problems. my little girl weighs almost 8 pounds already, so i really dont see a problem and my dr doesnt either. dont quit cold turkey, it may cause problems. how far along are you? 

Name: Anaca | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 4:09 PM
2 mo along 

Name: Tara | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 4:12 PM
please be careful, my doc told me that it can make your baby go into shock. i know also, my mom smoked with 6 kids and all of us are fine. just try to cut back. do you know anyone else who has smoked during pregnancy? 

Name: Anaca | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 4:16 PM
mother in law smoked with my husbands sister brother then him and all that is rong is his brother is 5" and that was with 3 packs a day tho, I have cut back to only a few a day my husband is angry at me tho . How can the baby go into shock? 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 4:42 PM
if your baby is used to getting the nicotine and then they stop getting it. they are humans we do the same thing. i also knew a woman who at 33 weeks pregnant, she stopped smoking. 4 days later her water broke and her baby was dead. sad, but true. im shocked we havent gotten any negative feedback from women who dont smoke. 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 5:27 PM
Well I'm glad to hear that you're able to cut back so much. You're doing it that right way. I myself think that you should continue cutting back until you're completely weaned off of them. And I won't say my story, as I do not want to scare you, but smoking while pregnant definately has it's side effects!!! I can personally tell you this as it has effected my life (or my sisters I should say). 

Name: nora | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 5:29 PM
dont over dose on the chocolate too.. chocolate has caffeine too and caffeine isnt all that great to your unborn either... 

Name: Tara | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 5:34 PM
to christina: how much did your mom smoke? or your sisters. i really want to know how smoking has affected my pregnancy. you hear so many different stories, and then something totally different from doctors. sorry, i just want to know. i am 36 weeks and have had no problems my whole pregnancy 

Name: Anaca | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 5:37 PM
please do if you don't mind it won't scare me I just wanted to know what all would it do if you did or quit really fast? Please if yo really don't mind!

I didn't know that about chocolate thanks 

Name: nora | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 5:52 PM
your welcome anaca..

now to answer your question.. Ive been smoking since I was 15 and the day i found out i was pregnant, I instantly quit smoking.. and i had never touched another cigarette since that day.. i was really surprised that i was able to just quit with no withdrawl symptoms or anything.. and even lost some weight.. 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 5:54 PM
to anaca, i know plenty of women who have smoked through their pregnancies and their babies are fine, there is a risk of pre term labor though. but like i said i am 36 weeks and no signs of pre term labor, my baby weighs almost 8 pounds, and i am having a scheduled c section on march the 3rd. there is so much junk out on the internet. every woman and pregnancy is different 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 6:02 PM
Well my mom smoked around 2 packs a day ALL through her pregnancy with my little sister (who is now 16). When she was born, for the first week of her life she threw up everything she ate. No one seemed to know what the problem was. One day she started turning purplish and she was rushed to Valley Childrens Hospital where they ended up doing an emergency operation after finding out that she was born with her asophugus (sp?) closed up, (meaning no food for the first week of her life). She ended up making it but has had terrible asthma for years. She had to be on breathing machines and special medication. Plus her formula when she was a baby had steroids in it, which I think is the cause for her being over weight now. We all believe that had she not smoked like she did when she was pregnant this wouldn't have been a problem. When I found out that I was pregnant, I was a smoker too, I immediately quit!!! Too me it's our responcablity to take care of our bodies now that we're pregnant. And smoking and doing other things of this nature is selfish, it's our babies life at hand. Now I don't know if the other stories that these women are telling are true, (problems with quiting smoking while pregnant)(not that I'm calling them liar's either) so since I'm not a doctor, I would talk to yours to make sure that your withdrawl of ciggerettes is a safe one. Good luck honey! 

Name: nora | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 6:15 PM
ok just to add a little humor to this thread and this does involve a man..

my fiance's mother smoked the entire 9 months with him.... and well. when he told me this... i just blurted out.. "so that's what happened to you.. and all this time i thought you were dropped on your head"

but definately try the gum and hard candy thing... i mean we're not allowed to smoke at work (except on breaks) so why not? candy has always helped me when I was working and couldnt smoke (before i was preggo) 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 6:20 PM
Also you can eat something spicy, like a chili. Or hot cherry peppers (those are yummy) And that will cut the cravings down.
My friend did this and it helped her. She actually had special drops from the store, I think it was like cayenne drops or something. (I think just the point of it being hot is what helps) 

Name: Fiona | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 9:38 AM
I gave up smoking when I became pregnant. All you have to do is remember that it can cause breathing problems at birth, low IQ, cot death, asthma and poor health generally - it will cause them life-long damage to their bodies - problems that they will have to deal with while you look on thinking "it's' my fault they have this". You're going to really wish that you'd stopped.

That's if you're lucky enough to have a baby that survives.....

Try to remember that every time you inhale the toxins ( including carbon monoxide) your baby is getting them too and it is poisoning them - possibly to death. You wouldn't plug your nearest and dearest into a car exhaust would you?

I don't mean to be morbid, but imagine how you'd feel if you had to arrange your babys funeral - little coffin etc. These thoughts certainly helped me keep off the ciggies!!!

Sorry for being brutal, but I feel really strongly that you must give up. I loved my cigarettes, but I didn't smoke even one when I was pregnant - I just imagined what could happen. 

Name: Anaca | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 12:53 PM
Thanks guys 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:11 PM
to fiona, its great that you stopped smoking, but please stop trying to scare anaca. there are plenty of babies who are born to smoking mothers and they are fine. i think you were a bit too graphic in your post. now she is going to work herself up about it, which isnt good for her either. im not being rude, im just giving my opinion. my baby is perfectly healthy and i do smoke, not excessive but i still do. good luck to you anaca. 

Name: Becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:29 PM
Im sorry if yall disagree but I think smoking during pregnancy, im not talking about women TRYING to quit during, is selfish. If you care that little about your childs health...you dont deserve that baby. *Puts on flame suit for everyone I surely offended* 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:33 PM
I am pregnant and I smoke I think that the baby is okay! The Dr didn't say any thing! 

Name: becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:08 PM
Look at what smoking does to an ADULT....WHY would you risk doing something like that to a child? Its SELFISH 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:13 PM
they say alot of things are bad. my sister quit smoking at 33 weeks pregnant, 4 days later her baby was dead. so quitting doesnt always help. my child is perfect and i am not selfish. i did quit once when i was 2 months pregnant and then i started bleeding, once i started back up i had no problems. i will let you know after i have my little girl how perfect she is and that everything is fine. thanks for your input, you are a real champ 

Name: Alexa | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:13 PM
maybe all those babies turned out fine during pregnacys but thats just pure luck i think, if smoking damages our lungs imagine what affects it can have on the poor little babies growing inside of us, maybe they seem fine when they grow up but i think thats why there are so many kids out there with asthmas etc,
by the mother smoking while pregnant she needs to quit for her babies sake because its not fair that the baby is having to be forced to smoke either!]i dont know im sorry if i upest anyone saying my opinion and please dont mock me on that either, but why take the risks?
just try be stronger than that, its not good for you so its definately not good for baby either! 

Name: preggy with #2!!! | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:14 PM
if someone was smoking wile not pregnant for a long time how is someone going to stop right away wile pregnant it is hard and well I don't think that it is going to hurt much but like 2 3 4 packs that is way to much I have heard someone even smoking up to 4 packs aday! That baby is 21 and is 5" tall that is my hubbys brother 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:18 PM
yes i do somewhat agree. but i only smoke 2 cigarettes a day, and becci was bashing me telling me i dont deserve my child. please, like shes perfect. that is the only thing i do, 2 cigarettes a day. and everything is perfect. it affects every woman different. my dr says my child is fine. i have had 2 biophysical profiles and her lungs are perfect. so i am going to believe the tests. becci, you can kiss my ass 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:24 PM
I smoked with my son till I found out I was a prego it was much later than now though, so I can't help that I smoked longer with this one, I was not smoking quite as much then either, I was able to quit easyer. I cant it is hard to do, I love the baby don't wanna hurt it but I just cant quit smoking it is way too hard to do!
It takes me 2 days to finally finish the pack! Is that terrable? 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:27 PM
no sabrina, it isnt terrible, as long as you are taking care of yourself. eating right, excersizing, etc. trust me im 36 weeks, and my baby girl is perfect in every way. how far along are you 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:29 PM
I am 6 weeks today or tomarrow , wait I don't know what day I found out the day... uhhh I'll be 6 weeks tomarrow, sorry had to think! I found I was pregnant at 3 weeks I found out with my son at 5 weeks almost 6 so am I doing bad I quit easyer with him I just cant quit easy this time it is sooo hard 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:33 PM
how much do you smoke? i smoked alot when i first found out. its hard to quit, but that doesnt mean we do not deserve our children! dont you agree? my husband is a computer programmer for hummer(h2) and i dont work, so im bored alot. i have to smoke. does that make me a bad mother? 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:37 PM
no I find my self smoke wile I am home board too especally sitting at the computer just sitting reading typing, I smoked abit, but still the same as then, like I have most the pack in one full day gone but still in 2 days it will be gone, I dont think that makes us bad parents but no no no it does not mean we don't deserve our childeren. I am only 19 but does that mean I don't deserve my child because I am young and I smoke I don't think so! 

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