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Name: Hannah
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Name: Maggie | Date: Jan 18th, 2006 10:20 PM
Thanks. However, what about when she's older? 

Name: Maggie | Date: Jan 18th, 2006 10:29 PM
What do you think about Ashlee? Do you think m daughter would some day be mad at me for changing it from Gabrielle to Ashlee? 

Name: Michele | Date: Jan 18th, 2006 11:20 PM
I like the name Ashlee, but I like the name Gabrielle too! I don't even know your daughter so I can't pick her name. I figure you have been thinking of her as Gabrielle from the time you found out you were having a girl! If you love it then that's what it should be and everyone should respect your wishes as to what to call her..you shouldn't have to change her name from what you want just to keep them from being rude (if they would do it after you asked them not too). As for later, then it will be up to her to decide, but chances are like my friend Melinda who hated the name "Mindy" if she grows up as Gabrielle that is what she will prefer and ask people to call her. 

Name: naomi | Date: Jan 19th, 2006 8:06 PM
good for you, being a stay at home mom is the best thing you can do for your kids.and it's not fair to your kids if you're stuck watching other peoples, less time for your own- ya know? myself, i stay home with our 6 boys(ages 8,6,5,2,1,& 2mons), and i just don't have time for anyone else's kids, let alone time for myself! 

Name: amanda | Date: Jan 21st, 2006 8:00 PM
i don't see why you wouldn't want to watch them. After all you must like looking after kids or you wouldn't be a stay at home mom 

Name: Michele | Date: Jan 22nd, 2006 12:06 AM
Just because you love children and especially yours you shouldn't be expected to take care of everyone else's too. This woman is taking advantage and Hannah needs to put her foot down and let the neighbor know she has not decided to run a daycare, just spend time with hers!! 

Name: melanie | Date: Jan 28th, 2006 7:17 PM

Name: indya | Date: Jan 29th, 2006 12:34 PM
hi im 11 yr old 

Name: kylie jorgensen | Date: Jan 30th, 2006 6:35 AM
thank u, it is hard to be a stay at home mum and i take my hat off to u for stiking up to the neighbor she obviously dosen't take the time to be a mum or she would have never insulted u 

Name: Marie | Date: Jan 30th, 2006 9:28 PM
I had the same problem....except my neighbor is a SAHM too! She wanted me to keep her little girl so that she could run errands without hearing her daughter scream the whole time. I told her that my own children drive me crazy enough....I can't handle anymore! She has never asked again!!

How many of you have heard this one:
"What do you do all day?"
Nothing makes me crazier than those six words together!!!

It's good to know that I am not the only one who is taken for granted!! :) 

Name: busymom | Date: Feb 8th, 2006 7:35 PM
Is anyone there today? 

Name: Jane | Date: Feb 8th, 2006 7:38 PM
Are there others there who feel that their husbands don't have any idea what it takes to care for children and the house? Mine seems to think that I am never doing enough. 

Name: to Hannah - Ditto! | Date: Feb 8th, 2006 9:27 PM
SAHM are CEO's of the best corporation in the world -- The Family. They may be unpaid but their value cannot be compensated by $$. The rewards far exceed the extra "stuff".
Memories and milestones can never be re-run if you wern't there.

Most working mom's pay someone to do a SAHM job. They can't handle SAHM jobs. Femi-nazi's have tried to diminish this important job of SAHM. Daycares have tried to convince us we need to work so we can keep them in business. Just not true. Kids are more important than power and position.

Just say NO to someone who takes what you do for granted. 

Name: to Jane | Date: Feb 8th, 2006 9:30 PM
Yes -- the solution --

Leave him at home for a full day [or weekend is even better] with limited instruction.

He'll appreciate you real fast! 

Name: Yea SAHM | Date: Feb 8th, 2006 11:57 PM
But one thing is certain: Raising children well — doing it right, focusing one’s life on a child’s physical, emotional and spiritual development in the way that only a full-time mother can — is a responsibility at least as demanding and worthwhile as what trial lawyers and brain surgeons and US senators do for a living. And most women in the work force do not have experiences on the job comparable to those of successful trial lawyers and brain surgeons. For every professional woman we see lionized in the press or on television for her latest accomplishments, there are millions of women with advanced degrees coming home tired on the commuter train wondering how they will be able to finish all their household duties and spend some time with their children. ~J Fitzpatrick

Raising children IS the most important job in the world!!! 

Name: glove women | Date: Feb 10th, 2006 3:17 AM
just say no say no! just get on a pair of platex living gloves and
say no thats what i do 

Name: Susan | Date: Feb 12th, 2006 6:05 AM
Good for you. I'm tired of people acting like I'm a nobody because I stay home with my son. I quit my job 2 weeks before my son was born and people thought I was nuts. My friends were calling me "June Cleaver" and said things like "What is this the 50's?"

I have a bunko group that meets once a month (It's a dice game - don't ask), and they all talk about their jobs and I feel so left out. It's nice to hear from other women who made the same decision I did. Sure, I miss working and the extra money, but my son has since been diagnosed with autism and now I really have no choice.

I too, feel like my brain is going to mush. I actually get excited when the bank statement comes so I can balance the check book.

I have heard a lot of stay at home moms criticize working moms. We need to remember that what is right for us, may not be right for all. Besides, sometimes it's a simple economic decision. Not all families can survive on one income. Let's be kind and support all moms. God knows we need it! :) 

Name: Kyla | Date: May 1st, 2006 1:27 AM
I am a teen mom who is trying to gradaute high school classes, (for my own social interaction) home school (to catch up on my missed credit I cant get at school) Im only allowed 2 regular high school classes.. I work at a day care and bring my son with me. I think it is very important to be able to make your own money. What if my family cant help me, or my fiancee leaves me? I will be a broke mom with no money to take care of myself, and my child. I love being able to work at daycare with my son, but the time i have away from him from school work is hard enough. So in my case, i think its excellent to be able to work and stay home.. 

Name: to Hannah from Andrea | Date: May 1st, 2006 2:12 PM
This is how I fixed other moms dropping off thier kids.I decided to take a break from work until my son started pre-school 15 years ago.Once my friends found this out they started calling me to watch thier children I really did'nt mind because that gave my son someone to play with. after about 6 months of this I decided and was told I should start a day care.So thats what I have done I never watch more then 5 at a time.And I have never regreted it since. My son is now 16 yrs old and we have a 8 yr old daughter.And all those friends calling me to watch thier kids, well they still keep in touch but that don't ask as much now that I charge them.Its my income and they do understand.So maybe You should start charging who knows the extra income could help. 

Name: Belle | Date: May 1st, 2006 2:56 PM
I envy you - I would love to be a stay at home mom, but for financial reasons I can't. Any suggestions on how I could make it happen? 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 5th, 2006 10:34 PM
Hello ladies,
I know this post was started a while ago now, but figured I would add my story anyway. ;) I am 30 yrs. old and have worked since I was 15, plus helped support my hubby through Medical school over the last 10 years! He was in the military and was called over seas right in the middle of studies, so that put a hold on college for a while. Anyway, we had bought our first home about 7 years ago (while hubby was still in school) and sold it a year and a half ago. My hubby was accepted to do his Medical rotations out of the area so he suggested I just quite my job and care for our 5 year old daughter (she is now almost 7). From the huge profit on the sale of our home, and the loans he was able to receive, he felt it would be worth it for me to focus on our daughter rather than pay an arm and a leg for daycare again. I loved my job and it was very hard leaving it, but then I started thinking; my husband is almost done with med school, I have worked hard for so long having no quality time with my daughter, and he requested I do this instead of work! So I said, WHY NOT! I have had no regrets at all, my daughter is excelling in school (she was rewarded top student in her 1st. grade class), I was able to volunteer in her class and attend field trips, I am able to work with her after school to give her that head start in life, and I just love the closeness I feel with her. Now, I cannot imagine EVER going back to work and leaving her! We are going to try for our 2nd baby this fall and I cannot wait!! My point of this story is, I do have people ask "what do you do all day" and "there's only so much to clean and do, so then what"? And I truly think they feel we are nuts with my hubby still in school, me not working, and my daughter being older (I guess it would be justified if she were an infant)? And yes, it may seem crazy, but you cannot put a price tag on what I have accomplished with my child, or the memories that can never be replaced. No company can ever pay me enough for what staying home with my daughter has given me. The way we look at, we will be financially secure very soon, and every cent we spent for me to stay at home will be made up within the first year of his employment! :]) To SAHM'S everywhere...your responsibilty and commitment to your children (or child) is more rewarding and fulfilling than any job imaginable. Our children are our future, and with parents who take the time to teach them and guide them will only give our children a great start in this crazy, crazy World! 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 5th, 2006 10:46 PM
Hannah (if you're still around, hehe),
If it is too hard for you to care for other children while caring for your own, then just explain this to your neighbor. I am sure she will understand and respect your situation. Communication is key! If she reacts in a negative way towards you because of it, then just go about your business and continue to be the kind of person that you are. Do not let other people determine your feelings. Unfortunately we cannot make everyone happy all of the time!! 

Name: kimberlin | Date: Jun 6th, 2006 11:35 AM
i have 3 kids. 2 with special needs and i stay at home to. My husbands sister thought exactly the same thing. It was alright for me to look after her 2 kids when they were sick and couldn't go to school because she worked and i did nothing at home. I was letting her walk over me. The one time i said no was when i was pregnant with my 3rd baby and i just didn't feel like it, she just stopped talking to me for a while. It was almost as though she thought it was my obligation to her to look after them. She had no back up babysitter and would phone me either the night before or the morning of. I love her kids but I'm not her nanny. She is much better now. I had a bit of a breakdown last year and she finally sat up and realised i can't do it all. We have a mucyh better relationship now then we have ever had. 

Name: Jen | Date: Jun 6th, 2006 4:53 PM
Unless a women has actually stayed home with her kids all day every day she really only gets a climpse of how hard of a job although rewarding it is. I get the same thing when women ask me What do you do all day? 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Jun 6th, 2006 6:10 PM
Hannah,charge her so much she won't WANT you to watch her kids! Some people are just plain ignorant aren't they? Tell her God didn't put you here to be her babysitter and if she pushes them off on you again your calling child and family services on her (and then do it)!! That will definitely take care and put and END to it!! Lock your doors and don't answer your phone to her or her kids,act like they don't exist! I hate neighbors like that,the ones who think just because they are your neighbors,you have to do things for each other! What a crock! Some of them actually think they are part of the family just because they live next door! How ridiculous!! 

Name: angela | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 6:03 AM
I'm a stay at home mom of a 5 year old daughter .I have been married for 6 years.People do think we have it made.They need to try it just once.I live by my in-laws and I cook dinner for them almost every week night.I guess I just feel like I need to take care of people. 

Name: lbarnwell | Date: Jun 20th, 2006 2:26 AM
That is true. No job has as many benefits as a stay at home mom! I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being home with my son. It is so much fun to watch him grow up and do new things all the time! 

Name: neika | Date: Jun 20th, 2006 3:40 AM
Hi and hello to u and and everyone on this God send website..
I have been receiving sly insultive remarks as u have, and getting used by those who needs someone to watch their kids , sometimes without even a warning especially by the inlaws,
I was told just lastweek by someone who I thought was a friend, that everytime she called i am always busy [which is not true, she wanted me to do something for her at the time, and i was cooking] Her remark was, is what kind of work I have to do so much that I cannot come to the phone, and at the same time she is telling me, she is going to bring her twins to keep my 3 year old daughter company for the summer holiday as she cannot take them with her to work, and school will be out..imagine that, she is not asking, she is telling me,.I cannot recall telling her my kids were lonely, so I don't know why she believe she would be doing me a favor..my 3 year old likes to provoke and haunt her teenage sister, she is like an energizer bunny, she wakes up in the morning, and go to sleep at night, sometimes i do believe she is going to drive me crazy, so I do not understand why she want to add her 2 to my terrible 1, I guess she really wants to drive me nuts.
I have put up with her insults over the years, and I do believe I have had enough, I don't know how I am going to do it, as I am always there for her, but someway somehow, I have to stop been so kind to people who are mean to me, any advice on how to do so would be very helpful..
I am happy I found this site, and I feel so good to share with others that I have something in common with... 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 20th, 2006 5:51 AM
Just explain your feelings to your friend and inform her that caring for her kids will just not work out for you. You two are obviously close enough to chat openly about it since she "told" you that you are watching her kids? A "true" friend will understand and not take it personally. And a real friend will not take advantage of her friend, so if that is how you're feeling lately, then maybe you should re-evaluate your friendship with her. I agree, it was wrong for her to just say you are going to watch her kids, not ask! It sounds like she is getting a little to comfy with you and your generosity. You're too nice, we love our girlfriends and want to help them out when needed, but at some point we need to draw the line. I am sure she will understand your feelings once you discuss it. Good luck! 

Name: neika | Date: Jun 21st, 2006 2:26 AM
Hi Julie
Thanks for the advice, I really consider her as a confidant, it's just that since lately, she expects me to always jump at her command, and I don't believe I am obligated to anyone that way
My husband said I only knows how to use the word "no" to him
Because he is tired of hearing me saying to her, I cannot do it, but then give in.
I will ask her for a favor, and she will tell me all she had to do at work, and how tired she is going to be, untill I just say ok forget
about it, it's hard when someone u really care about abuses your friendship, but then again, that's the type of world we live in..life is unfair at times..I am hoping and praying that by some miracle she does not bring her kids for the whole summer by me, as i really don't want to hurt her feelings, by telling her I just cannot manage to keep them 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 21st, 2006 9:04 PM
I too am a stay at home mom. I have a 2 year old and currantly pregnant. I have been watching my sister son while she is at work and have asked her several times that if she plans on doing something after work or if for some reason he's not coming over to let me know since I plan my schedule around him. One day her boyfriend drops off her son and tells me at 2:30PM that my sister is planning on going tanning after work. So I started complaining. He looks at me and has the guts to say, "What do you have something to." He made it sound as if it is my job to let them know what my schedule is. I went off. I was like sure I might be a stay at home mom but that doesn't mean that I stay at home all day. Regardless of whether or not I have something planned is non of their business because I'm doing them the favor not the other way around.

Then there is my husband who likes to throw in my face every now and then that he works at least 10 to 12 hours a day and all I do is stay at home. I remind him that he leave the house for 10 to 12 hours a day to do 1 job but I work around the clock not only taken care of his son but also taken care of the house. There is no way that my husband would ever be able to do what I do, he doesn even have patients for him for the little time he actaully does spend with out son.

I have come to the decision that people assume that being a stay-at-home mom/dad is nothing for several reason. 1) They simply do not know what is involved with being a stay at home parent. I would love to be able to sit down and finish at least one show but if my son is napping I am cleaning or doing something iwth the house. 2) They themselve want to be a stay at home parent but for whatever reason just are not able to.

It is what it is. As a stay-at-home mom I know what I do all day and it's not sitting around watching TV and eating while my son sits on the floor playing. If I did that my house would look like a junk yard. So I say let them say what they want. Lucky for me, besides my husband, I am surrounded by people who tell me that they wish they could do what I do and others who give me credit because they know they could never be a stay at home parent. 

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