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Name: Lynne n
[ Original Post ]
Hi there is a working mum that says that we sit on our backsides all day catching up on the soaps well when i replyed to this commet she got a bit upset and took what i said the wrong way,So i said sory if i upset her i just thought that she was wrong for saying that we sit watching telly all day.I often find that i dont have a min to myself all day!
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Name: homemommichele | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 8:54 PM
LOL I wish!! I am a wahm and even just dealing with the housework etc (which gets pushed aside) the only TV on here is PBS to keep the kids from totally tearing the house apart while I'm on the phone!! 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 9:39 PM
I know what you mean even if you do try to sit down and wtach something than 9 times out of ten your child wont let you anyway! 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 9:40 PM
Sorry spelling is awful i ment watch LOL! 

Name: Layne | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 9:45 PM
who care if you do watch tv all day as if working moms dont have there shows. some jerk makes a issue because we watch days of our lives. I know plenty of moms that tape there shows and watch them in the evenings or after the kids go to bed. what we cant watch tv during nap time. lazy has nothing to do with t.v. That was a clear responce to a woring mom that feels guilt. 

Name: Layne | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 9:47 PM
correction - the working mom that feels guilt. And i wont be taking this post back. 

Name: firewife | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 11:39 AM
Oops I think I started another debate too, I believe that some moms (not all) work because they feel they HAVE to but in reality they are working to afford lifes luxuries. Some working moms have taken offensive at that,but society has made us believe that we NEED such things that our mothers and grandmothers did just fine without. All SAHM have to make sacrfices in order to stay at home with their children, that doesn't make us any less important than those that work. I personally am happy that I got to witness all the firsts that I would have missed if I worked outside of the home. Sometimes I wished I was born 100 years ago, where I wouldn't have to defend myself.LOL 

Name: cinner29 | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 1:34 PM
Firewife I would love to know what it is you think my kids could live without if I stopped working.....food, $$ for thier education...clothing...insurance. Is that what you consider life's little luxuries. That is what I would sacrifice if I didn't work. If you choose to stay at home and give up some material posessions then go ahead but don't assume that other working moms work so they can afford to "keep up with the Jones". 

Name: Christina | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 2:13 PM
I didn't realize there is such a huge debate going on between stay at home moms and working moms. In my opinion both are equal..it's just a matter of preference. I am 22 wks and 3 days pregnant with my first baby, I live with my bf and I don't work right now and I don't plan on it when the baby is born. I want to stay home and raise our baby, it's what I want. I could very easily go and work once the baby has been born however I choose not to. Personal preference. I don't see anything wrong with that, if that's what I choose to do. I know as stay at home moms we have just as much of a hectic, crazy, busy day as a "working" parent. Raising a child is a full time job. no matter how you look at it. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 3:18 PM

Name: firewife | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 5:35 PM
Thank you mommyagain you could not have said it better. In response to cinner29, I already stated new cars, cell phones, $50 a month for cable, etc, please!

Now can we please put this to rest, we can all agree that we love our children and are doing what we feel is best. What is best for my family may not be what is best for yours. And I for one am sorry I joined this discussion, this is beginning to become childish, we are not going to come to any conclusion. 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 8:32 PM
Please calm down everyone i think that this is getting a little bit heated now we all take care of our kids and that is the main thing! 

Name: cinner29 | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 9:28 PM
If you want to know why I am upset then you should read firewife's comments in the working moms forum. She went into a forum which should exist to offer support to working moms and said that she believes moms only work so they can afford "life's little luxuries". As a mom that works at night so I can mind my children in the day I was so offended by that comment. I work so we can afford the basics. In this forum she laughs at starting the debate....not funny to me. I have never said that one mother does less or deserves less respect then the other. In fact my comments to her were solely based on her comments from the other forum. She has a strong opinion....I don't agree....but no where did I say which mom has a harder job. We all make sacrifices for our kids. 

Name: firewife | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 10:11 PM
Cinner29, I didn't laugh about starting the debate because I didn't start. I stated that it was funny that SAHM have to defend themself to workings moms and vice versa. We are both doing what we feel is best for our family. I am not throwing mud unlike some people. And I said some mom work for lifes little necessitys not all, obviously you are not part of the SOME. I am from a family of 7, and my mom never worked and neither did most of my moms friends. My mom still doesn't work and their are 4 still at home. Now I know things are more expensive now but I'm in my 20's, it wasn' t that long ago. I never said SAHM deserve more respect or that they have a harder job either.
I tried on put this rest already because I understand we will not reach a conclusion and a lot of people feel offended, I felt offended thats why I posted my opinion. So if you feel you need to have the last word, go ahead because I am not going to beat a dead horse. But please be respectful, I never attacked your character. 

Name: cinner29 | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 11:47 PM
Firewife show me where I attacked your character. How was I disrespectful? It was your original comments that made me angry. Once I wrote back you amended you comments to say that only some moms work for life's luxuries. All I wanted you to see was the other side of working moms that work because there is no other way. I also explained that I have respect for all moms. I am not looking for the last word. This is a forum for discussion so I think we should be able to have a dialogue......even if we disagree. If you choose to end this one then fine but I think the point of all this is to be able to look at things in different ways. Maybe I am taking your orignal comment too personally. But I had just come home from a night shift, my feet hurt, my back hurt , I had to be up in a few hours and I wanted nothing more then to be able to afford a little luxury like a massage but my pay check has to buy groceries instead. If it offends you that I think you have a strong opinion then I apologize but personally I would take that as a positive aspect of my character not a negative one. I have never said a bad word about you nor would I ever. I was angered by your comments and I responded....I have always maintained that all mothers should be respected. 

Name: denise | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 12:06 AM
i have been reading everyones comments but now i feel the need to respond, cinner you complained that firewife was in the working mums forum, well hello you are in the stay at home forum, pot calling the kettle black and i highly doubt you only have the basics

i believe this discussion began when angel of mine said working moms deserve more credit, then she said she couldn't stand being at home with her child what kind of person says that???? 

Name: cinner29 | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 12:55 AM
Actually I Stay at home during the day when my husband works and I work at night....so I think I kinda fit in both catagories. I get to stay at home and care for my son during the day but I do have to work to make ends meet. I actually do work hard for the basics....whether or not you believe it. I made the point of Firewife being in the working moms forum because I felt her comment was insulting to me who is a working mom who uses that room for support and have my questions answered. By no means do I think people can't respond in whichever forum they choose I just think they should be prepared for feedback. I use both rooms and have had some great feedback and responses. As I explained before I didn't agree with her comments, (and I explained that I was very tired so they kinda fired me up...more so then I normally would get) I hoped that by responding she would see that moms work for a variety of reasons. I have also responed to the comment by the working mom who complained that SAHM watched the tv all day. I thought that was offensive too. I had no idea that by responding to firewife's comment I would cause so much trouble. 

Name: denise | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 1:00 AM
for someone who wrote iam not looking for the last word you sure need to have it 

Name: cinner29 | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 1:10 AM
Oh I'm sorry am I not supposed to respond to your comments. I get it, you get to give your opinion but I can't express mine. I have tried to not make any of this personal. I have taken the time to try and have a discussion about this. If you just want to insult me then go ahead but I think we are missing out on an opportunity here. 

Name: denise | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 1:16 AM
so you get to give your opinion but if anyone eles does they get slammed I feel sorry for your husband 

Name: cinner29 | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 1:29 AM
Who did I slam....and when did I slam them? When have I said a bad word about anyone? I told firewife she had a right to her opinion, it just made me upset thats all and I explained why. Then you come into it and call me a hypocrit. I then took the time to explain why I responed in this forum. I did not insult you. You even had a little jab at me about having more then the "basics". I didn't get angry. Then you go on about having the last word....I thought we were having a discussion. Now suddenly I am slamming everybody...I'm sorry but i just don't see where I have. You have really turned this personal with your last comments. I would happily have a discussion with you but I don't feel it is necessary to insult me or my husband. 

Name: wendy | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 2:10 AM
Firewife, maybe you should stop spending money on the luxury of an internet connection. Or more appropriately your husband should since he is paying for it, just so you can repay him by using it to tell strangers how lame he is in the other thread. Nice gratitude. But that seems to be your style, criticise those who support you, ie. your husband and those who choose to work and pay taxes which go towards your welfare payments. And if your husband earns enough money to allow you to not work AND not take welfare payments then you have no moral authority to criticise others who don't have that luxury. Somebody had to stop being polite and tell you how it really is. 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 3:13 AM
What is the point in coming here just to stir up more problems? It sounded like cinner and firewife were beginning to settle their little dispute, and then you had to jump in and throw in insults! Why? 

Name: Layne | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 3:21 AM
because everyone is on the rag. Ha! 

Name: Pasha | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 3:31 AM
what happened to Freedom of speech? 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 5:15 AM
You could have "freedom of speech" but throwing out personal insults is pointless. Speak your mind and share your thoughts in a civil manner, my goodness!!! 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 7:12 AM
Right that is enough now you rae all acting like children!
Maybe i should send you to bed with no dinner.
Come on i was only asking a question you dont need to bitch to each other lets make this fun again? 

Name: firewife | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 11:51 AM
Alright Wendy, I said this was done why do you need to throw insult. I am not on welfare and I never said my hubby was lame, we were all discussing how husbands all think we know what is wrong with our babies when they cry. This has nothing to do with this. Or are you just looking for a fight, this was about some moms working for the luxurys of life vs the neccessites. There is no need to be nasty, my husband works in public service and I used to work in the medical field, we pay for those on welfare. I think you need to take a look in the mirror before you start critcizing others. 

Name: Pasha | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 11:57 AM
I agree with you Julia 

Name: denise | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 12:43 PM
julia,me? what about wendy? besides firewife told someone she left a 30 dollar a hour job to stay at home i doubt shes on welfare maybe she doesn't really know how it is to struggle and computers and internent are luxury not basic im sorry if thats the basic you are working for 

Name: angel of mine 2006 | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 3:24 PM
TO DENISE..."what kind of a mother says that" when I made the comment about couldnt stand being at home...what I MEANT by that was that I couldnt stand being at home all day...I packed my little squirt up and took off going and doing all day. Maybe you should ask questions instead of assume...got it? 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 4:11 PM
Do not start a subject and end it with a question, and then say -
"Right that is enough now you rae all acting like children!
Maybe i should send you to bed with no dinner.
Come on i was only asking a question you dont need to bitch to each other lets make this fun again?"
What do you expect? Like I said, we all have a right to discuss a topic amongst each other, but why insult one another? You really have no room to talk if you think about it. There can be disagreements and disputes, that is ok, just share your thoughts and agree to disagree. No harm done, we are all adults that can debate without getting nasty! But do not start a topic and then complain about how it is flowing. I do not mean to sound rude or anything, just stating how I see it. You can correct me if I'm wrong, I can handle it. ;)

And yes denise, I agree some other Moms can and did get nasty as well. I just do not agree on how some of us communicate! 

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