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Name: Lynne n
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Name: Julia | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 4:11 PM
Do not start a subject and end it with a question, and then say -
"Right that is enough now you rae all acting like children!
Maybe i should send you to bed with no dinner.
Come on i was only asking a question you dont need to bitch to each other lets make this fun again?"
What do you expect? Like I said, we all have a right to discuss a topic amongst each other, but why insult one another? You really have no room to talk if you think about it. There can be disagreements and disputes, that is ok, just share your thoughts and agree to disagree. No harm done, we are all adults that can debate without getting nasty! But do not start a topic and then complain about how it is flowing. I do not mean to sound rude or anything, just stating how I see it. You can correct me if I'm wrong, I can handle it. ;)

And yes denise, I agree some other Moms can and did get nasty as well. I just do not agree on how some of us communicate! 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 5:17 PM
Julia yes you are wrong i did not expect this subject to turn nasty i just wanted some feedback that is all people need to chill out a little bit more.
Inculding you! 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 7:02 PM
No need to get so defensive Lynne, just stating my opinion like you have. I am chilled, no problems on my end! ;) But again, your topic only started this discussion. Can't we start friendly, peaceful topics on here? GEEZE. 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 8:09 PM
Juila that is why i am saying that this topic has gone far enough because people are starting to fall out and that is not what i want,i did not mean for this to happen!
I can only say sorry for this! 

Name: wendy | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 3:40 AM
Firewife, I'm not sure who I was "critczing" as you put it, I'm not quite sure what that means. I assume you meant criticising? In that case I am most definitely criticising you. If you want to post an opinion then have the courage of your convictions and deal with the responses to it. Answer me this, why does having a child mean you have to go without luxuries? Do you only have the bare essentials in your home? I think it's funny that you wish you lived in the past so you wouldn't have to defend yourself. Hahaha. Because women had so many rights and freedoms back then right? Women didn't have to put their kids in daycare to go and work because usually they weren't allowed to go and work. Sounds great doesn't it? I'm not a kept woman and never will be.
How do you say you are paying for peoples welfare when you don't work? Oh, you mean your husband is paying for it.
I think some people are being a bit quick to put aside this discussion. What's wrong with a bit of disagreement? You can't have much of a discussion if everyone agrees on everything. 

Name: Julia | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 4:23 AM
A negative topic will only lead to negative discussion... 

Name: denise | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 11:44 AM
TO WENDY I find it absolutly hilarious you are correcting firewifes spelling of criticizing because you spelled it wrong just so you the correct spelling is criticism and criticizing ROTFL 

Name: wendy | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 11:51 AM
Yes Denise, "absolutly". There is only a "z" in it in American spelling. You will find other English speaking countries use an "s". But they all put an "e" in absolutely. Keep trying though. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 2:39 PM
OMG come on girls who cares if we spell a word wrong this is not english class nor do we need to put people down just cause thier spelling its rediculous and very childish. I could care less if i forget a letter or to or put on in place for the other as long as it readable so lets just stop this stuff we "should" all be adults at least mature enough to not nit pick and be so childish 

Name: Terri | Date: Jun 17th, 2006 7:18 AM
Really, whoever went into the working moms forum and started the work verse stay at home mom debate was childish. That is there forum to talk to each other and offer each other advice, just as the sahm has this forum. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 21st, 2006 9:37 PM
I so wish I had time to sit and watch TV all day. But between taking care of myself, my 2 year old son and the house I am lucky if I am even able to watch 1 TV show a day. I think I finally get time to watch the TV when my son goes to bed and by that time I am to exhausted to even stay a wake so once again don't have to time to watch an entire show. I do watch TV on saturday but that is usually the stuff that I recorded all week.

And serious who the hell cares if we would watch TV anyways. Should we point fingers and tell those who work that they can't come home and turn on the TV. Seriously, as long as my son is taken care of and isn't into something he shouldn't be into who the hell cares what the heck I am doing all day. 

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