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Name: mini mouse
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:31 PM
But I love my parents dearly does that make since to you? I love them more than myself and would do anything for them. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:32 PM
We need to start a new topic for this,this one's running out of room! 

Name: pj754 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:46 PM
Update---My son still isn't being very responsive to me and my husband. He's very angry because he is forced to go to counseling sessions. I'm hoping the counselor will be able to explain things to my son as a bias person of good morals to follow by in his future. The last counseling session, his father had to go with him. I'm not sure how that went but I can only imagine I was slammed to the hills. My son is very cold towards me and the rest of the family. He's trying to create trouble for his sister, who just doesn't put up with any of his crap. She has no trouble telling him what she thinks. I'm so proud of her. I'm trying to teach her independence because I know it will help her in her adult life. My son is trying to get his younger brother in trouble too but I see right through it and don't allow it. My youngest son knows the rules of our home and doesn't agrue with them. I'm very proud of him, too. Although, my oldest son is hardening my heart. It pains me to see him act this way because he doesn't give a hoot in what I say. He's not the son I tried to raise. So, all I do is sit back, leave him be and hope one day he will see it all for himself. It kills me how much he lies and sneaks around. I've never thought him to be that way but he has to learn from his own experiences. I forsee it catching up with him. When it does, he's going to have a difficult time. I never thought I would have so much tension inside my home. Somedays, it's very hard to keep my mouth shut but if I open it, it won't do any good. It will create more tension. I'm trying to keep my head floating above the rough waters wondering if I will drown. However, on the positive side, someday all of this will pass. I'm just like mini mouse being trapped inside their hate-box. Then I ask myself, where did I go wrong in my parenting skills? Maybe my skills aren't so great? Am I going to screw the other two children up and make their lives miserable, too? These are questions I ask everyday searching for the anwers. Yet, I know each person is different and you can't change people to the way we want. But, why can't they see through the clouds? Anyways, thanks for letting me vent. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:00 PM
pj754,go to the site under divorced family where I have written our names,we are running out of room here! 

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