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Name: Erin
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Name: Joley | Date: Apr 13th, 2006 7:41 PM
Hi Erin. I read your post, and my heart went out to you. I have been struggling with anorexia for years now. Your daughter seems to be also. Try and help her by suggesting foods she likes, and whatever you do, don't say things like "you would be alot healthier if you would eat." instead, say stufff like "i really worry about you, and want to help." just let her know that you are 100% on her side. I didn't want to tell anyone, because i was afraid that they would be mad at me.
I really truly hope you find help. my thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Name: daniella | Date: Apr 15th, 2006 8:46 AM
i had anorexia neriosa i thinck she has too what you should do is make an apoitment to a diatitionhows an expert in eating disorders and if she thincks you shoud admit her to hospital because of her wait thats what you should di 

Name: Sarah | Date: Apr 15th, 2006 7:54 PM
can u help me i am over weight and i am 5 foot 6 and i weigh 126 lbs and i want to weigh anywhere from 80 to 100 lbs i cannot helllllpppp 

Name: Sarah | Date: Apr 15th, 2006 10:46 PM
Hi. I'm thirteen years old and I am anorexic and bulimic. I eat usually 0 calories per day, but sometimes, I'll eat like 50-100, but then its straight to the bathroom to vomit. I am online today searching for diet pills, but they all require credit cards. I came here because I thought I could talk to someone like me who has it too. Lately, I just feel so fat, I mean I am! My BMI is 16, but I want to get it down to atleast a 13. I really want to be like 60 or 65 pounds. Im only about ten and a half pounds away. I feel so sad. 

Name: Amanda | Date: Apr 15th, 2006 11:51 PM
I am anorexic as well, and she sounds a lot like me when I was in grade school. Send her to a doctor, that way you can get her weighed and tested to make sure she didn't do any bodily damage. Keep pushing her to get help. Don't ever give up or ignore it...and never ever assume she is "better"...i have pulled that one several times on my parents. 

Name: Tiff | Date: Apr 16th, 2006 5:02 AM
I know that you may hate to hear this, but i do belive she is suffering from some anorexia nervosa. Yes, as a caring mother you should be concerned for her. Sit down with her, and be the strong parent and ask her about it.
Your doing a very good job Erin. Just stay strong.

Name: Kristy | Date: Apr 19th, 2006 1:24 AM
I am starving myself today, but I don't know how to keep it up. HELP!!!! 

Name: Kristy | Date: Apr 19th, 2006 1:28 AM
Can anyone help me out? I am 12 and feel so fat. I weigh 125 ibs. Will I be skinney if I starve myself for a whole year? TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: kate | Date: Apr 19th, 2006 11:08 AM
i myslef have an eatting disorder and i find it had to listen to any one if she is unhappy it could be why or if she whats attenion mine started cause of te puresser to look good and to be noticed 

Name: Serina | Date: Apr 19th, 2006 12:46 PM
Might help if you showed her some photos of what people look like that have anorexia go to google and to images very nasty looking ?? I am glad you are getting the help for her .
Be well and eat healthy 

Name: Mom | Date: Apr 19th, 2006 5:16 PM
Get help. I almost buried my daughter a year ago. I've learned so much about eating disorders and we are still in the eating disorder program and will be for a long time. The longer you let it go the longer it takes to hopefully get them to learn to cope with the disorder which is all mental. Getting them to a healthy weight is a 1/3 of the battle the other is their distortions, mood swings and they have to decide they want to get better. Good Luck! 

Name: GET HELP | Date: Apr 19th, 2006 8:09 PM
What causes it?
Anorexia is more than just a problem with food. It's a way of using food or starving oneself to feel more in control of her life and to ease tension, anger, and anxiety. While there is no single known cause of anorexia, several things may contribute to the development of the disorder:

Biology. Several biological factors, including genetics and other related hormones, may contribute in the onset the disorder.
Culture. Some cultures in the U.S. have an ideal of extreme thinness. Women may define themselves on how beautiful they are.
Personal feelings. Someone with anorexia may feel badly about herself, feel helpless, and hate the way she looks. She has unrealistic expectations of herself and strives for perfection. She feels worthless, despite achievements and perceives a social pressure to be thin.
Stressful events or life changes. Things like starting a new school or job or being teased to traumatic events like rape can lead to the onset of anorexia.
Families. People with a mother or sister with anorexia are more likely to develop the disorder. Parents who think appearance is very important, diet themselves, and criticize their children's bodies are more likely to have a child with anorexia.

What are signs of anorexia?
A person with anorexia will have many of these signs:

Looks a lot thinner
Uses extreme measures to lose weight
makes herself throw up
takes pills to urinate or have a bowel movement (BM)
takes diet pills
doesn’t eat or follows a strict diet
exercises a lot
weighs food and counts calories
moves food around the plate; doesn't eat it
Has a distorted body image
thinks she's fat when she's too thin
wears baggy clothes to hide appearance
fears gaining weight
weighs herself many times a day
Acts differently
talks about weight and food all the time
won't eat in front of others
acts moody or depressed
doesn't socialize

What happens to your body with anorexia?
The body doesn't get the energy from foods that it needs, so it slows down. Look at the picture to find out how anorexia affects your health.

Click here for a text version of the information in this diagram

Can someone with anorexia get better?
Yes. People with this disorder can get better. The treatment depends on what the person needs. The person must get back to a healthy weight. Many times, eating disorders happen with other problems, like depression and anxiety problems. These problems are treated along with the anorexia and may involve medicines that help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

With outpatient care, the patient goes to the hospital during the day for treatment, but lives at home. Sometimes, the patient goes to a hospital and stays there for treatment. Different types of health care providers, like doctors, nutritionists, and therapists, will help the patient get better. These providers will help the patient regain the weight, improve physical health and nutrition, learn healthy eating patterns, and cope with thoughts and feelings related to the disorder. After leaving the hospital, the patient continues to get help from her providers. Individual counseling can also help someone with anorexia. Counseling may involve the whole family too, especially if the patient is young. Support groups may also be a part of treatment. Support groups help patients and families talk about their experiences and help each other get better.

Can women who had anorexia in the past still get pregnant?
It depends. Women who have fully recovered from anorexia have a better chance of getting pregnant. While a woman has active anorexia, she does not get her usual period and doesn't normally ovulate, so it would be harder to get pregnant. However, she may get pregnant as she regains weight because her reproductive system is getting back to normal. After they gain back some weight, some women may skip or miss their periods, which can cause problems getting pregnant. If this happens, a woman should see her doctor.

Can anorexia hurt a baby when the mother is pregnant?
If a woman with active anorexia gets pregnant, the baby and mother can be affected. The baby is more likely to be born at a low weight and born early. The mother is more likely to have a miscarriage, deliver by C-section, and have depression after the baby is born.

What should I do if I think someone I know has anorexia?
If you know someone like Jen, you can help. Follow these steps from the National Eating Disorders Association:

Set a time to talk. Set aside a time to privately talk about your concerns with your friend. Be open and honest. Make sure you talk in a place away from distractions.
Tell your friend about your concerns. Tell your friend about specific times when you were worried about her eating or exercise behaviors. Explain that you think these things may show a problem that needs professional help.
Ask your friend talk about these concerns. She could talk to a counselor or doctor who knows about eating issues. If you feel comfortable, offer to help your friend make an appointment or go with her to her appointment.
Avoid conflicts or a battle of the wills with your friend. If your friend doesn’t admit to a problem, repeat your feelings and the reasons for them. Be a supportive listener.
Don’t place shame, blame, or guilt on your friend. Do not use accusatory “you” statements like, “You just need to eat.” Or, “You are acting irresponsibly.” Instead, use “I” statements like, “I’m concerned about you because you refuse to eat breakfast or lunch.” Or, “It makes me afraid to hear you vomiting.”
Avoid giving simple solutions. Don’t say, "If you'd just stop, then everything would be fine!"
Express your continued support. Remind your friend that you care and want her to be healthy and happy.
For more information...
You can find out more about anorexia from the National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) at (800) 994-WOMAN (9662) or from these organizations:

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NIH, HHS
Phone: (866) 615-NIMH (6464)
Internet Address: http://www.nimh.nih.gov

Weight-control Information Network (WIN), NIDDK, NIH, HHS
Phone: (877) 946-4627
Internet Address: http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/nutrit/win.htm

Academy for Eating Disorders (AED)
Phone: (703) 556-9222
Internet Address: http://www.aedweb.org

Harvard Eating Disorders Center (HEDC)
Phone: (617) 236-7766
Internet Address: http://www.hedc.org

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
Phone: (847) 831-3438
Internet Address: http://www.anad.org

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
Phone: (800) 931-2237
Internet Address: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org

This FAQ was reviewed by Barbara E. Wolfe, PhD, RN, CS, FAAN, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. 

Name: Greer | Date: Apr 21st, 2006 6:32 AM
Hi Erin,
Something you could try: As you may have noticed the direct approach isn't working because to her it would be coming across as an accusation. Maybe she is having serious body issues as we all do especially in our teens. You could try being her friend at this time and really building that trust. Maybe try buying foods that are substantial and are healthy options so she can feel ok about what shes eating. Or something you could do together is maybe a fun Gym thing. This would be something you share and it is so hip right now. Like there are dance classes, self defense, pilates. This way she will be targeting her weight and body issues in a healthy way through exercise rather than avoiding eating. Even if you went for walks anything that you could do together and build that relationship so you can better monitor what the real deal is with her eating.

Don't know if that helps just a few ideas that may work.


Name: scared mom | Date: Apr 26th, 2006 2:58 PM
is it uncommon for 16 yr old boys to have anorevia and what are the beginning signs? he has a few things that he does that are sending red flags to his dad and i. 

Name: dan | Date: Apr 26th, 2006 9:48 PM
hi im dan im 17 and can help its hard and scary but from my expreance with my girl friend that had a eating disorder its not anything that can be stoped in a week this takes time if she is lossing weight fast get help fast very fast it gets to a serent weight that the hart starts to work faster and faster my girl friend was 15 when i met her now shes 17 and is doing so good if u want and if she want give her my screen name and me and her can talk about it {StandXthePainX} 

Name: scared mom | Date: Apr 27th, 2006 5:23 PM
i have asked twice now!!!! what are the signs in boys and is it normal in boys???? please someone answer me.he is showing several signs. 

Name: to scared mom | Date: Apr 27th, 2006 7:30 PM
It is getting more and more commen PLease see a DR Some one put # to call see above 

Name: laura | Date: Apr 27th, 2006 7:51 PM
well i know i'm only 13 & i might not be much help but i am going through the same thing. I think she might have an eating disorder because those are all signs. She might be extremly skinny but when she looks in the mirror she might see herself differently. Is she a perfectionist? that may be a cause or if she's going to high school next year. she may not except all the changes. 

Name: Pinkie | Date: Apr 28th, 2006 10:23 PM
Does anyone know where I can chat (in real time,not forums) about anorexia.All I want is to chat online and I cannot find a chat room available.It can't be so difficult.Anyone help? thank you. 

Name: bob | Date: May 2nd, 2006 10:42 AM
if your 13 95 pounds and 5 feet is that fat 

Name: steph | Date: May 3rd, 2006 5:26 PM
well has anything dramatic happened?if not shes probably just growing up leave her to it (obviously if shes not eating at all then take her to the doctors)she might just be doing it to make a boy like her but she will find out in her own way that it wont work or she may just be feeling down just leave her to it and she will come to her senses and see that what she is doing wont help her (whatever she is trying to do) 

Name: Emma | Date: May 9th, 2006 9:48 PM
Im a 14 year old girl and im in 8th grade and i know exactally what your talking about, if you ask me. You need to bring her to a doctor, even if she says she hates you, someday she'll thank you. My sister was anorexic so i understand how you feel. It can cause heart, liver, lung, and stomach problems and even death. theres also some people in my grade who are or have been anorexic. So if you ask me, she needs help, its not normal teenage rebellion or whatever. You need to save her. Sometimes you can't always be her friend. You have to tell her she needs help even if she says shes fine or gets mad. Take her to a doctor. A huge hint there is that she gets angry when you ask to weigh her. 

Name: Exmother to MARY SHERMAN | Date: May 12th, 2006 1:58 AM
Do not judge her get her help!!! Do you not get it that she is ill and needs you!!! Try to get her to talk to you ao a DR. Before it is too late.
Please Help her get help.\ 

Name: Rissa | Date: May 15th, 2006 2:06 AM
I am 14 and am doing a report on eating disorders. I have also watched a few movies on anorexia and bulimia. One of the tricks I learned from my friend who used to be bulimic(she is ok now)is to not to eat in front of others so you can eat as much and knowone will be freaked. or to move food around on your plate so it seems that you ate some. You really might want to check this out and see if she okay. By what you posted i am really worried. 

Name: kelly | Date: May 15th, 2006 7:21 PM
im 13;; i think your daughter does have a problem;; i dont think its an eating disorder yet though, if you try to stop her, all shell do is get all moody just like you said. the best thing i thinkyou can do for her is let her spend alot of times with her friends and maybe talk to them casually to see if theyve noticed so they can help her or get a counseleur. you want to be there for her, not guide her. thats the only way she'll come to you when she needs her. if you push her into something she'll get moody and ungrateful

good luck! 

Name: Anna | Date: May 15th, 2006 10:50 PM
I'm 17, and I have Anorexia. It does sound like that might be the problem. I wanna tell you right now, and I'm saying this to be mean, but it's going to be very hard to get her to admit her food intake. If it gets worse you have to insist to take her to the doctor and talk about it. Don't give her a choice. Also insist on her eating breakfast while you're there. Don't let her get away withoug eating breakfast. Don't accuse her of anything, cause that will make her mad. Just tell her you're worried. you can email me here: [email protected], if you have any questions. I have a lot of info about this, it also helps that I'm going through it at the moment, cause then I know exactly what she's going through 

Name: nicole | Date: May 16th, 2006 12:42 AM
hi erin. my name is nicole. im 13 years old and i have anorexia nervosa. I just wanted to tell you.. i mean i dont want to scare you but ive almost died!!! right now, im in treatment, and if it wasnt for my mom, i would of died. if you notice your daughters eating behaviors, talk to your doctor idmidiatly and make an appoiment. Also, check her nails. if their purple, like mines, be really alerted and take her to the doctors right away. Right now, im 5 ft 2 in and weight 105 pounds. i keep on going up and down. but its normal. please do no let your daughter do exercise and if she's not eating after the treatment, tell your doctors. Im telling you, do not tell her to get it over with and that its stupid of what she's doing. she will get really mad just like me. please write back to me and feel free. my email adress is [email protected]. i hope i did a little difference... 

Name: Hannah | Date: May 18th, 2006 12:14 AM
im also a 15 year old girl who has had an eating problem and the syptoms of your daughter sounds alot like mine when i started to have an eating disorder. you may want to talk to your daughter about school and see how people treat her there and just talk to her and see if anything bothers her. my mother never did that to me and if she would of i think i would have not have an eating disorder today. but yes be concerd mothers should be concerned about their daugthers and anything that can cause harm to them. so just sit down and talk to her and see how she is feeling. dont come down too harsh on her or she will rebel and just not listen to you. i hope that this advice is helpful to you. 

Name: sarah | Date: May 19th, 2006 3:39 PM
Hi , Erin i am 16 and when i was 14 developed an eating disorder .know i am fully recovered but it took a long time.What your daughter is doing sounds to me like she could be anorexic .When i was ill i got moody ,i seperated myself from the rest of the family .But the real person who helped me through my illlness was my mum she was there for me .I am sure you are really worried , personally when i was ill seeing a counselor did not help but this was because i couldnt admit to myself that i had a problem , i new inside but i could not stop .Anorexia can start for many reasons not liking how you look , thinking your fat.But alot of the time there is an emotional problem involved .I became anorexic when my friend started to try and commit suicide and i also had issues about my body .you need to approach your daughter camly and nicely try and make her understand that your not angry but just want to understand and help .What really spurred me on to get better was seeing what it was doing to the people around me my family and friends especially my mum i relised that even if i didnt want to do it for myself i had to do it for her .What i was doing was destroying me . Because it seems to be the early stages i would try and sort it out and make her understand how lovely and beautiful she is and that she does not need to change .hope i helped if you want anymore advice please write back 

Name: sarah | Date: May 19th, 2006 3:44 PM
Also there are alot of sighns that she could be anorexic watch out for these

always tired ,keeps to herself,wants to eat away from others ,random numbers on bits of paper often saying either how much she weighs or the calorie content of foods .hope this has helped ,avoiding meal times ,loss of hair , 

Name: sarah | Date: May 19th, 2006 3:52 PM
hi me , it seems you are angry but these are just really worried parents who want to help there kids .They may not understand but they can help and love and support them . 

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