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Name: #1 mom
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Name: Jesse | Date: Feb 26th, 2006 9:47 PM
I was about 13 when I started shaving. I didn't tell my mom until later, she wasn't mad nor she didn't care. As long as I din't cut my self to badly...LOL 

Name: Sarah | Date: Mar 7th, 2006 1:08 AM
personally, i dont think parents should have a say in when their kids shave their legs. after all it is their own body so why should parents decide. most young girls shave their legs when they hit puberty so 12+ even younger sometimes and its them discovering their body. i started shaving my legs at 13.... tell me truthfully how many of you shave your legs and feel grosed out about having really hairy legs? .... so.. how would you feel if someone said to you NO your not allowed to shave your legs because i said so. you wouldnt like it would ya. 

Name: Jessica M. | Date: Mar 8th, 2006 11:43 PM
I think you sould tell her nicly don't do those things behind my back. But she sould start shaving at the age 12. 

Name: leanne | Date: Mar 11th, 2006 1:38 PM
shaving legs??
u parents dont know how much we are shy of mentioning shaving our legs OR doing our eyebrows...!!
it is Very important to me though..!!
my mom doz not let me shave that often and it drives me crazy but i just dont let see that it bothers me but it really does!!
so shavin it behind her back is the only choice i should have but i'm just a lil afraid..!!!!! i dunno wut to do.. i am very shy of mentioning it to her..!!! so do not tell ur daughter off coz of that thing..!!! it will really hurt her feelings!!!! like it did to my feelings..!! just tell her that u should know if u want her to shave or not! 

Name: snappyt | Date: Mar 11th, 2006 3:02 PM
I say just let her be....i have 4 daughters 5-16 and the older ones shaved by 11...I think you shouldn't be hurt....its really no big deal compared to the REAL things in life. 

Name: Andrew 40 | Date: Mar 12th, 2006 12:35 PM
Wow, Stop the presses!
Realy she is just tring to be older.
Let her know you noticed, ( no use acting clueless) that it's not a big deal. Remind her that most people wish they didn't have to shave. Its like mowing the lawn. Every one wants to do at first, but soon inough you realy wish you didn't have to. 

Name: Rachael | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 6:37 AM
I am almost thirteen and even though nobody will ever tell me I know I have pretty hairy legs. I think this chatroom is helping me more then you actually. I really want to shave my legs because I am embarrased but I don't know how to tell my mom. Now that I know how other parents feel I think that it will be ok to ask her now. I think that you should tell her that you know. Tell her that it is fine and that other people feel the same way. Don't punish her. If shaving helps her feel better then there should be nothing wrong with it. 

Name: Aaron | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 7:21 PM
Tell her,
and shes proborbly embarassed about telling you 

Name: Kathleen :) | Date: Mar 19th, 2006 12:25 AM
Hi ! I started shaving when I was 13 without my mom knowing. I was trying to hide it from my mom, too. When she found out, she didn't talk to me, or punish me. She bought me my own shaving cream and razor and to this day we don't talk about it!! 

Name: Danu | Date: Mar 22nd, 2006 12:23 PM
well, i say that i would HATE to tell my mom because i am SO incredibly shy about this sorta stuff. i havent yet but i wanna...oh well i say you dont punish her becuase she might feel it to uncomfortable to talk about(i know i do) and by the way what is hairy legs to you might be a WHOLE lot diffrent to teens i mean cmon i and this one girl in my class are the ONLY ones in the class who are girls and dont shave. they all started either in 5ht grade or in 6th. if any1 has any tips on how to confront your mom in this sortov situacion plz plz plz PLZ post it on here!! 

Name: Mrs.Advice | Date: Mar 23rd, 2006 1:01 AM
well my mom told me to wait and that noone willnotice and it wasnt a big thing...but i was embarrassed and it was awkward to talk about so i did it anyways...my mom did notice because i could just tell but she didnt say anythign so i kept doing it and it turned out okay...so truth is she might be embarrassed so dont say anything and 13 is the perfect age to start so if i were you i wouldnt make it a big deal and let it slide 

Name: Violet | Date: Mar 23rd, 2006 5:16 AM
If you are worried, take her out and buy her the proper stuff to help her do it safely. and i would suggest using a one blade disposable if she doesnt have a lot of hair on her legs.
it may be because her friends are doing it as well, or it may be a late copying mommy thing
when i started shaving my mom said as long as I did it right and didnt do my thighs yet she was ok with it.
I hate shaving my legs now lol. she will grow out of it!!! 

Name: Amy | Date: Mar 23rd, 2006 3:40 PM
Why would you punish her for it? If you want her to have any respect for you and if you want her to confide in you then I should warn you that punishing her would have the opposite effect! There is no reason to punish her.

I know it's hard watching your baby girl grow up. But you've got to let her. I started shaving my legs when I was 12. I didn't tell my mum about it but she just casually mentioned it when we were shopping. Let her know casually, but don't make it so she thinks you disaprove (even if you do). She's probably self conscious and possibly slightly embarassed at the prospect of talking to you about it. 

Name: stella | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 2:54 AM
I think 13 is an okay age to start shaving because they are going to high school soon and everyone there shaves unless you want to look like a nerd (lol sorry). Plus, I always felt uncomfortable talking about stuff involving puberty with my parents so I just stared shaving my armpits first and then gradually legs when it was gym class. 

Name: Amy | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 3:24 AM
I wish my mom would have told me to shave my legs because I didn't notice until my friends were talking about saving. And to tell you the truth, I can slightly see my hairy legs on picture from when I was 12,13,14. Now I look back at some photos and wish my mother had taken me to get a bra and told me what do, because even thought it wasn't too bad I would have felt better since going through puberty was hard for me. I was mad that my body was changing and I didn't even know my new body, plus my new body should have came with a "how to" mannual. My mom did do one good thing though, she bought me a book that was very nice (christian, no bad things etc) that is for girls and dealing with emotions and fun facts about women and first ladies (wives of presidents) and meanings of girls names. I really liked that book :) 

Name: taylor | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 9:20 PM
I am 10 years old and i shave my legs and armpits. My parents don't know that I do because I didn't tell them. Now that I didn't tell them, I'm scared to tell them about when i get puberty!!! 

Name: Destiny | Date: Mar 30th, 2006 10:40 PM
Yes.How old shoul i be when i start to shave
i am 11 

Name: Cassy | Date: Apr 2nd, 2006 8:23 PM
I'm ten and i shaved behind my moms back. When I finally told her she just said "it is a good thing that you are making your own choices but if anything like shaving needs to happen you can just tell me and i'l buy you some supplies." thats what you should do! 

Name: Anon | Date: Apr 3rd, 2006 12:33 AM
You could just say that you noticed and that you were a little disappointed that she did not come and talk with you in the first place. Ask her if she has any questions or concerns and answer them.

Then take her out and go on a beauty shopping spree so that she will be all set for grooming and feel she can come to you to talk about other things. 

Name: Cardisa | Date: Apr 4th, 2006 11:34 PM
I have 2 girl that had to start shaving early. It all depends really on their maturity!! I had a 9 year old that had hair longer than my husbands under her arm. Girls can start going through puberty as young as 7 that means the hair starts to grow. You need to sit down and talk with her! Be open and honest! and keep in mind if she goes to school h hair under her arms she probably will be teased! 

Name: Random S | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 10:07 AM
Well im 12, and i want to shave. I asked my mum and she said i didnt need to, but lots of other people are and i feel really self concious. What should i do? 

Name: amber | Date: Apr 9th, 2006 9:59 AM
your daughter is probably feeling embarrased about the hair on her legs. she may have been one of thr only girls who didnt shave and was too scared to ask! tell her casually that u no, but DONT punish her. she deserves to be able to shave her legs without getting into trouble. tell her that she can always come to you with any questions, or problems. 

Name: Lisa | Date: Apr 9th, 2006 10:28 PM
No,dont punish her for that! Its not like she was smoking! Just tell her you know and ask her why she didnt say anything to you.Tell her you just thought she might come to you about things like that and when she didnt your feelings were kinda hurt because you thought the 2 of you were really close! Maybe you should start spending more 1on1 time with your daughter. Go shopping buy make-up and a new shaving kit especially for her! It will make you feel more a part of her life. Have lunch out and a few laughs,listen to her favorite CD. It will be o.k.,youll see! 

Name: Christine | Date: Apr 17th, 2006 8:23 PM
I think you should just tell her that you know and tell her it is ok to start shaving. Just go out and buy her a rzor and some shvaing cream. I am 13 and just startinig shaving my legs and underarms. I was embarrasses and even if she ddnt have a lot of hair it is still embarassing and she was proably the only one in school who didnt shave. I reccomen the remington 5500 electric razor, its a really good one to start with and i use it, but not for underarms! trust me! disposable razers are good for the underarms.

Good Luck! :) 

Name: ????????? | Date: Apr 20th, 2006 3:27 PM
dont mention it to her and get her a bra 

Name: chelsie | Date: Apr 21st, 2006 2:33 AM
when a gurl starts to shave her legs she feels more mature and boosts her self eestem aaallllooot
trustme it did for me 

Name: Control Freaks | Date: Apr 21st, 2006 11:01 AM
Anyone who prevents their teenagers from shaving their legs is a control freak and should get a life. There's nothing wrong with it and it's part of growing up. 

Name: kaylz | Date: Apr 23rd, 2006 3:28 PM
dont punish her she obviolsy isnt very confident about her body and is trying her best to look better you should help her 

Name: homo | Date: Apr 24th, 2006 12:32 AM
i think it is really sad that she cant shave her legs!!! sh will be going into high school soon and she WILL get laughed at and she WILL be imbarresed!!!!
PLEASE let her shave her legs
For the sake of all the people who ever have sex with her please let her shave her legs!!!! 

Name: nat | Date: Apr 27th, 2006 9:05 PM
punish her?? for being a normal 13 year old?? I started at 12 and used a razor, i tried hiding it from my mum coz i thought she'd be angry but she just turnd round to me and said; why didnt you just use the cream I have in the bathroom?? At which I felt more comfortable talking to my mum about everyhting to do with growing up. 

Name: melissa | Date: May 5th, 2006 1:44 PM
hey my family is known for hairyness rite.. i ws in yr 4 wen i first started ks i ws teased about it i dont see a problem but just for you to tell her that you know she is starting to do that and just ask her why she didnt tell you just say stuff like it doesnt really matter but u know ect ect ect... 

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